Local children at AJ Padleford Park enjoy the free lunch program.
In partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the California Department of Education, the City of Artesia’s AJ Padelford Park is serving as a Summer Food Service Program meal site this summer. The Summer Food Service program provides free, nutritious meals to children in the summer months that they may not otherwise have access to while school is out.
The City is operating its Summer Food Service Program Monday through Friday, from June 13 through August 22. Children 18 and under, as well as persons with disabilities 19 and older, can enjoy breakfast daily from 9:30–10:30 AM, and lunch daily from 12:30–1:45 PM. Individuals can stick around after meal time to enjoy the park, play board games, do arts and crafts, and generally have a good time.
In its first week, the City served an average of 20 meals at each breakfast, and an average of 50 meals at each lunch. The City would like to thank the volunteers from the Teen Center and the community in general, that volunteer their time each day to serve meals at AJ Padelford Park.
The City of Artesia is proud to provide a safe, inviting Summer Food Service Program meal site this summer for the community’s youth.
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