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#FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER : 750 CITIES – 30,000 Turn Out in New York to Protest; 60,000 in Chicago; 70,000 in Los Angeles


The protests today will send a strong message to legislators who back the Trump-Nazi style separation of families.

The past few weeks have been excruciating, learning about unspeakable abuses being perpetrated in the U.S. And at the same time, the Supreme Court upheld the Muslim Ban, which keeps yet more families separated.

A Supreme Court retirement means fundamental rights for women and the LGBTQ+ community—among others are now on the line for a generation.

And for the thousands of parents and children in cages, not knowing if they’d ever see their family members again, it was, and remains, infinitely worse

Today, in Washington, D.C. 35,000 demonstrators braved 96-degree temperatures to march on the White House and send a crystal-clear message: Families Belong Together.

There were 30,000 participants in New York, 60,000 in Chicago, more than 70,000 in Los Angeles, and huge turnouts from Orlando, Florida, to Austin, Texas, to Boise, Idaho.


Below is a map of all the protests, one dot per demonstration, spanning all 50 states, as hundreds of thousands gathered in cities from Antler, North Dakota, to Lake Worth, Florida. The final count, an astonishing 750 cities.




Moveon.org stated, “The horror that so many of us feel about the devastating policies of our government won’t go away due to a march. But we are here, we are ready to fight, and we won’t go away. This administration hopes to crush our will to resist. Today, we made clear that they will fail.”


“In the days ahead, we’ll be sharing more actions we, together, can take next to build upon this momentum, end these terrorizing and traumatizing policies, hold abusers accountable, and reunite families. Our movement needs to:


Keep up the heat on decision-makers everywhere. We’ll organize more in-person actions to create pressure to reunite families, close family prisons, and end indefinite detention—working with Indivisible, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and other organizations.


Hold corporations accountablefor profiting off this system—companies such as Wells Fargo must be held accountable for their role in funding family separation infrastructure.


Rein in the excesses of the brutal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers who are terrorizing communities and tearing apart families across the country.

And we need to make sure everyone who is eligible registers to vote—a critical way to get involved with all the issues that matter to all our communities and families.

More on all of that soon. Watch your email for opportunities to take action, or join MoveOn’s SMS list to get text messages with alerts about clear, impactful actions by texting FAMILY to 668366. ”


All together, more than 180 partner organizations came together to pull this off, including MoveOn, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, the ACLU, faith groups such as Sojourners and the Presbyterian Church, Avaaz, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and a range of labor unions, the YWCA, scores more tremendous allies and partners, and countless local groups in cities large and small, united across lines of ethnicity, race, national origin, and language.






MoveOn will be sharing more photos and videos on social media throughout the days ahead. They ask you to  email them to [email protected] or post them on Facebook or Twitter and tag @MoveOn with the hashtag #FamiliesBelongTogether.


Want to support MoveOn’s work? We didn’t budget for today’s million-dollar national protest against children being torn away from their parents on our border, in our name. And, as Elizabeth Warren said in an email to MoveOn members this past week, it feels like “the world is on fire.” We still must continue fighting to keep families together AND throw down with partners on an emergency campaign to help save the Supreme Court from a full-on right-wing takeover in light of Justice Kennedy’s departure—AND make sure that we don’t have to make cuts to our other critical work. To do it, we need your ongoing support, now more than ever.

Yes, I’ll chip in $5 a month.

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