




ABC Families for Better Schools-Yes on Measure BB campaign committee (ABC), FPPC number ID# 1407078, supporting the badly needed infrastructure bond for the ABC Unified School District, has officially kicked off its’ campaign sending out an informational full-color flyer  to resident’s in the district that will be hitting mailboxes beginning this Saturday.

The committee is co-chaired by four ABC Board Trustees including Vice President Leticia Mendoza, Clerk Olga Rios, and Board Members Ernie Nishii and Christopher Apodaca.

The committee was originally formed in anticipation of the bond resolution with four board members as co-chairs, but now works in tandem with all pro Measure BB efforts, which have the unanimous support of all seven board members.

Cerritos resident Daniel Fierro of Presidio Strategic Communications, who is also a product of the ABC school district and a graduate of Whitney High School, is the general consultant of the committee.

Fierro told HMG-LCCN, “This is the beginning of a long campaign to educate ABC voters about the benefits of Measure BB.” 

“This is a school improvement measure that will let us invest in the long-term academic excellence of our district, and will come back to voters in increased property values and community services.”

The flyer touts that Measure BB “will increase academic performance, improve student attendance, retain high quality teachers and staff, and enhance property values.”

ABCUSD currently serves over 21,000 students but its schools are in need of major improvements and upgraded facilities. 

The flyer states, “Measure BB will help provide a safer, cleaner, and highly-functional 21st century learning environment so students will continue to have a competitive edge and all the resources they need to succeed.”

ABC will have their website finished by Sunday, Fierro told HMG-LCCN, the address will be

The 2018 bond, like the 2014 bond, will charge one-half of one percent on the assessed value of ABC homes.

If a house stands at $200,000 assessed value, the increase will be $100 per year or $8 per month. 

At $330,000 assessed value, the increase will be $165 per year or $13.75 per month. 

At $600,000 assessed value, the increase is $300 per year or $25 per month.

There have been rumblings from the small Measure BB opposition, mostly centered in Cerritos, that the monies from the Measure will be spent on salaries and other expenses.

By law, Measure BB funds can only be spent to fund projects itemized in the ballot measure. 

Bond funds cannot be used for administrators’ salaries or pensions. 

An Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee, mandatory audits, and public reports will ensure funds are spent properly. The Oversight Committee will review all expenditures and construction projects to ensure accountability.

Residents can find a detailed list of improvements for each school based upon the comprehensive Facility Master Plan conducted by the Facilities Committee over an 18-month period on the District’s website