The new fixtures will provide whiter and brighter lighting compared to the City’s older HPSV lights.
Southern California Edison (SCE) has begun the conversion of High Pressure Sodium Vapor (HPSV) streetlights in all residential tracts and arterial streets to newer Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology.
The project, which is expected to take approximately three weeks, is scheduled to be completed around Friday, December 14.
Conversion to the new LED technology will result in a savings to the City due to reduced energy usage.
The project began in mid-November on the south side of the City.
SCE will next move to the west side of the City, and then to the east side.
Earlier this year, the Cerritos City Council approved using 4000 Kelvin (K), 100 Wattage (W) equivalent LED streetlights for residential streets and 4000K existing wattage equivalent on arterial streets.
The new fixtures will provide whiter and brighter lighting compared to the City’s older HPSV lights.
In 2017, the City entered into an agreement with SCE to implement the lighting conversion program.
Under this program, SCE will replace all SCE-owned streetlights with LED light fixtures with no up-front costs. SCE owns and maintains 4,583 streetlights in Cerritos.
The City pays SCE a monthly fee that includes required maintenance.
The City of Cerritos held two street lighting demonstrations during the 2017-2018 period to allow community members to view and vote on the different lighting options available.
The options varied in color temperature and light levels.
There were a total of 126 public responses.
Ninety-seven percent of survey participants supported the conversion, with 41 percent preferring the 4000K, 70W fixtures for residential tracts and 30 percent voting for the 4000K, 100W lights for residential tracts.
Eighty-one percent of survey participants selected the 4000K lighting for arterial streets.
Several cities recently have undergone streetlight conversion to LED technology, including Downey, Lakewood, La Palma, Long Beach and San Diego.
LED lites did no good in areas, tree canopies are too thick and large, so the LED were useless. Ck. out N Denni St, Cerritos; hood is still bathed in blackness from night.