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Undocumented Workers at Trump Facility Come Forward: Will ICE Raid Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster?



ICE, Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement,  has raided people’s homes, pulled people over in cars, raided factories and other organizations amid allegations of undocumented people working in those facilities, now there are strong allegations that Trump National Golf Club employs, and even helps undocumented workers obtain fake documents.

Will ICE raid Trump National?

The woman, Victorino Morales, said there are several undocumented people working at the hotel right now that are treated extremely abusive being called “dogs” and “donkeys.”

Morales and another friend said that they used phony Social Security and permanent residency documents to get hired, and that their supervisors at the Trump Golf Club  helped them obtain the documents.

Morales also indicated there are many other undocumented employees at Trump, but so far, no raid by ICE officials.


Immediately after the two women spoke to the New York Times, two additional undocumented people came forward and said they worked at the Trump Golf Club.

Trump has called for a crack down on immigrants including building his wall and stepped up workplace raids but yet nothing has happened at Trump Golf Club.

Maybe because the union representing ICE and its staff “threw its support behind GOP nominee Donald Trump” in 2016?

It’s was first time ever that the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council has endorsed a candidate for president.

No word from Trump followers, also known as “Trumpanzees” on what they will do about the situation, likely nothing given the fact it was OK with those same supporter that Trump grabs woman’s genitals.

The woman’s lawyer has called for an investigation both on the federal and state level.