Downey Mayor Rick Rodriguez.
By Rick Rodriguez
Happy New Year Downey! I hope all of you had a wonderful time with your family during the holidays, 2019 promises to be great one for our city. There are many projects planned to better our city and our quality of life.
One of my initiatives is to bring back the Downey Business Watch Program. During my tenure as President of the Downey Chamber of Commerce, this program was in place and active in the community. Now as Mayor, I want our business community to once again work together with our Police Department and the Downey Chamber to help prevent and reduce crimes. Through this collaboration, quarterly Business Watch Seminars will be held in the City Council Chambers. These seminars are scheduled for April 11th, July 11th, and October 10thfrom 9:00 am to 10:00 am. I invite you to complete the Crime Prevention Survey available on the City’s website where you may share your input on which future topics you would like to see discussed at meetings. The first meeting was held January 10, 2019 at the Downey Library, Cormack Room and was a great success.
One of my passions as a father and resident of Downey is to help people. Volunteering not only helps those in need but gives the volunteer a personal sense of accomplishment, it shows commitment to the community and a willingness to work for the betterment of others. Luckily in our city we have numerous local organizations that help people every day with free meals, clothes and even free furniture. But we need your help. Many organizations are in continuous need of volunteers and supplies. The second week of April is Volunteer Week. Downey will host a Volunteer Fair where local volunteer organizations can gather with information on how residents can help. There will be food trucks as well as free children activities. More information will be available on our website and social media sites as we get closer to the final date.
Our city is filled with unsung heroes, people that do great deeds and never ask or receive recognition. This year I would like to change that. These folks are a large reason of what makes our City great and they are some of Downey’s Finest. I would like to hear your story of how someone has helped you. Your experience may have been with city staff, police officers, firemen, or just someone you may know who lives or works in Downey. Unsung heroes are extraordinary everyday people who do the right thing and are committed to excellence in their work, all while being humble of their everyday contributions. It’s time we give Downey’s Finest the recognition they deserve. Please email me at [email protected] with your story. We will recognize the individual at a future city council meeting with a certificate and city coin. I am looking forward to reading these stories.
I invite you to attend our upcoming Clergy Council meeting on Monday, February 11thin the Downey Library Cormack Room at 6:00 pm. The Clergy Council is a collaboration of residents, clergy, law enforcement and service providers working together to better our community. This is a wonderful group of people who together are shaping our community. I hope to see you there.
This year is going to be amazing! Thank you for allowing me to serve you and our city.
To contact Mayor Rodriguez, please call 562-904-7274 or email at [email protected]. You may also follow him on social media:
Rick Rodriguez | Downey Mayor
Being born and raised in Downey, ( 1940;s) and now frequenting Downey from time to time, the biggest element facing Downey for the past seventy (70) years is: Division of Residents who have and who have not. Downey is truly, but sadly divided into three sections, (Economics); Poorest to the south Downey, Middle Class in the in-between sections; and the wealthiest in the northern part of Downey.
Three ( 3) sections have never merged, all you have to do is drive from the south side of Downey nearest Hollydale boundaries; proceed northward towards middle class dwellers and then around Florence Boulevard, the wealthiest properties with the nicest/best public works and best hoods & staples.
Always been three (3) distinct neighborhoods, three distinct code enforcement departments and never improves. Downey can never change the housing, but all the ( Housing- Public Works- Neighborhood Social Landscapes ); should be maintained on the same municipal levels, so ones who have and who have not; are not such black and white differences. City has never visually progressed thru various shades of grays.
Please read my story from Christmas of Yesteryears: