OPPONENTS of Vasquez at a Central Basin meeting demanding her recall, Vasquez was recalled from the Lynwood City Council in 2007.
Central Basin Water Director Leticia Vasquez is just like Donald Trump, the offices she was elected to, Lynwood and Central Basin, were both thrown into controversy and dysfunction during her tenure; she was recalled from Lynwood in 2007 and has been a lightning rod of controversy at Central Basin since her election in 2012.
Now she is turning her attention to the California State Senate, and the voters in the 33rd District must stop her.
Here is the acerbic Vasquez’ latest maneuver in her “campaign.”
She and her attorney-husband Ron Wilson – Stanford’s proudest – sent out a letter blatantly threatening 33rd State Senate District candidates, some of whom are City Council-persons, with defamation.
Ron Wilson
Wilson also brazenly sent the same poorly written letter to the candidate’s supporters.
The letter threatened a lawsuit if any candidates or supporters printed or published anything from the HMG-LCCN defamation lawsuit that Vasquez lost in 2017.
33rd candidates and supporters please take note:
Vasquez lost the case, you can publish whatever you want related to the case.
In fact you can also say Vasquez lost, HMG-LCCN obtained a judgment, then filed a motion for mandatory attorney’s fees against Vasquez.
Scott Talkov, of the Riverside based law firm of Reid and Helyer, who represented HMG-LCCN against Vasquez and won, chuckled at the letter.
“Unless people speaking poorly about Vasquez have knowledge of falsity or a reckless disregard for the truth, any lawsuit by Vazquez would be dismissed by the court and attorney’s fees ordered against Vasquez,” Talkov stated.
He continued, “please circulate a letter from me to anyone who is sued for defamation by Vasquez stating I will defend them and obtain a judgment for attorney’s fees.”
Talkov concluded saying, “it seems to me that politicians like Vasquez should get out of the kitchen if they can’t stand the heat of the First Amendment.”
That is the point; Vasquez cannot handle the heat, which is why she should not be elected.
The one page threatening letter Wilson sent to the candidates had evidence that basic Microsoft Word acumen, rudimentary high school civics knowledge, and voting calendars do not exist at his law firm, calling into serious question the capacity of both Vasquez and Wilson to hold and/or represent a state office.
THE LETTER from Wilson threatening a lawsuit.
Wilson’s letter began, “I represent Vasquez who is a candidate for the California State Senate Office No. 33.
No. 33? It’s the 33rd State Senate District not a bingo number Mr. Wilson.
The letter went on, “Gov. Newsom has set a special election for this office on March 2, 2019.”
The actual election day is March 26, but please, all you Vasquez supporters vote on March 2.
Wilson then threatened the candidates and their supporters with a defamation lawsuit, ironically using the defamation case he lost as a reason for the threat.
“Anyone who directly or indirectly or through agents or representatives makes, publishes, prints, circulates on social media, or otherwise disseminates or distributes false statements about Ms. Vasquez will immediately be sued for defamation.”
This letter is not meant to be a threat [sic] but a statement of fact based on the following information.”
The statement of fact Wilson should have referred to was that he lost the case against HMG-LCCN, but he conveniently left that out.
Wilson attempted to imply in his letter to candidates that the judge actually ruled against HMG-LCCN.
He attached documents from the case he lost including a declaration from former disgruntled HMG-LCCN employee Randy Economy.
It was Wilson’s half-baked attempt to support his bogus defamation threat (that was not a threat according to Wilson.)
And the hypocrisy of Vasquez and Wilson using Economy, a former meth-head, was quite astounding.
Just last week, information was “leaked” to media outlets about Long Beach City Councilwoman Lena Gonzales’ DUI that occurred ten years ago.
Media outlets reported that Vasquez’ manager, Richard Alaniz, denied sending it to the media. “I don’t run dirty campaigns,” Alaniz said. More on that in upcoming articles.
Vasquez seized on the DUI “revelation” and blasted Gonzales in a statement.
Vasquez, a woman who was recalled from Lynwood City Council in 2007 by over 70% of eligible voters for using public funds to boost her salary and pay for personal expenses, and who attempted to block the election, was talking about Gonzales’ lack of transparency.
Vasquez, a woman who solicited and used a sworn defamatory declaration from Randy Economy in their threatening letter to candidates.
A few years ago, Economy was arrested and charged with three major drug violations, pleading guilty to methamphetamine possession, which is considered a felony.
The other two counts he was arrested for: under the influence of a controlled substance and possessing a device used for unlawfully injecting a controlled substance.
Vasquez and Wilson publicly slam Gonzales for getting a DUI, yet justify the use of a former meth-head’s defamatory declaration in a court of law, using it in a threatening letter to her opponents.
And Vasquez’ questionable exploits continue.
HMG-LCCN has obtained a 2016 mailer that could land Vasquez in hot water with her favorite California agency, the Fair Political Practices Commission.
HMG-LCCN is currently investigating the facts surrounding the mailer which is tied to Angel Gonzales who, as first reported this week by HMG-LCCN, is suing Vasquez for non-payment of campaign consulting expenses.
Stay tuned.
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Really? This He-She and her baboon are at it again? These people are two of the most despicable people I have ever read about in this paper. Why do such scumbags succeed in life? I’m glad I read this paper so at least a few of s are informed.