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Cerritos College and Faculty Agree to a New Three-Year Contract


NORWALK, Calif. – March 11, 2019 – The Cerritos College Board of Trustees authorized a contract settlement between the District and the Cerritos College Faculty Federation (CCFF), effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. It is the District’s most comprehensive contract to date, symbolizing the tremendous progress made between the District and CCFF since the arrival of Dr. Jose Fierro, president/superintendent, in 2015.

The contract affords a 4.71 percent salary increase for its 263 full-time faculty and approximately 450 part-time faculty and increases contributions toward health and welfare benefits for both current and retired employees.

The District’s investment in its faculty has earned a top spot in statewide faculty salary rankings, according the California Federation of Teachers (AFT, AFL-CIO)—the same union that represents the CCFF. Its 2017-18 Full-Time Faculty Salary Comparisons report identifies Cerritos College’s compensation package for full-time faculty as above the mean of all 72 community college districts in California. Based on the majority of comparison points, Cerritos College faculty rank fourth in the state for instructors with master’s degrees and five years of experience.

“The Board of Trustees continues to best position the District in order to attract and retain top faculty who understand the needs of our diverse population. Dr. Fierro’s purposeful leadership throughout negotiations proceedings ensures that Cerritos College is the transfer institution of choice—not just for current and prospective students, but for the workforce as well. We are excited for the next chapter of student achievement,” said Cerritos College Board President Carmen Avalos.

Additionally, the contract significantly expands the District’s investment in its part-time faculty. To underscore its support of equal pay for equal work, the Board made improvements to the part-time salary schedule, including a parity factor and additional progression steps. The contract also provides compensation for department training, office hours for students, and establishes reimbursable health benefits for part-time faculty.

In 2015, the District-CCFF agreement contained just 27 articles; presently, the contract encompasses 40 articles, including an Assignment article that outlines critical work duties, responsibilities, and conditions. The milestone contract reflects countless hours at the negotiating table to ensure the rights of part- and full-time faculty. The new CCFF collective bargaining agreement will be posted on the Human Resources webpage later this month.