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Cerritos Resident Involved in College Admissions Scandal


The Rick Singer Hollywood admissions scandal has hit home here in Cerritos.

The L.A. Times reported that authorities arrested five California residents, alleging they took English proficiency for Chinese nationals to help them obtain student visas.

A 26-count indictment handed down by a federal grand jury last week charging Mohan Zhang of Cerritos, and four others, with using false passports and aggravated identity theft to impersonate Chinese nationals in order to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language exam.

“Over 40 students were able to attend top-ranked colleges, including NYU, Columbia and UCLA,” said Homeland Security agent Christopher Kuemmerle.

“We have so many students that are honest and work hard to get into the university of their dreams and yet that spot was taken by someone who cheated,” said Kuemmerle.

The violations carry a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison. The charge of using a false passport carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. Aggravated identity theft carries a mandatory consecutive two-year sentence.

  • Jas says:

    This has been going on for decades- decades, this is nothing new !

    Pres. Trump has it in for Hollywood, and now this is bleeding into another mega star Witch Hunt, compared to Martha Stewart and others…. what about all the college drug trafficking, college prostitution, college gambling, in our college campuses, Read the college billboards around campuses, promoting sex for sale. Read the classifieds for campus economics, illegal trust funds and holdings, trade for service schemes and so so forth..

    This is nothing more than white-collar crime, and if Los Angeles and some of these big-name Hollywood celebrities were not involved, it would have never seen the day.

    Corruption is very much present in other college campus, local politics and many sm. Business involving inner national trades, etc. Follow the money trail, there will always be a degree of corruption and collusion.

    Should be wake up call, society is buying to much emphasis on college educations.

    • Jas says:

      Many friends have written me, this is nothing more then brokerage fees/head hunter fees for colleges. Many parents have to resort to this inorder to combat the misuse/over flowing campuses from the international markets. Campuses were built and financed for students from USA and not for students coming from abroad. Many students whom have bought their way in to anything in life, will be spit out by the process of failures, or will graduate, still being very uneducated. Yes, this is white colar crimes and surely not worthy of FBI involvement, etc.

      Just look at our local politics, many voters parachute in to Cerritos, register to vote for certain election and then parachute back out of Cerritos. This is old fashioned brokerage elections in order to get certain Politician’s in to offices.