June 7, 2019 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper
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Graduations of yesteryears, 50s-1960s were much different compared to today’s drama.
During my life, attended many graduations: Grade schools, High schools, Junior colleges and Universities . 50 years ago, all school graduations were entirely different and simple, compared to today’s complex graduations.
Back then, graduation was more involved around the village hood, where the students lived. Parents did not have a lot of money back then, and extended families did not do any sort of grand traveling or flying to attend graduations. Some of the graduations were indoors in the: Gymnasium Auditorium, most of them were outside in the sports complexes. Back then, it didn’t draw the traffic drama, compared to today’s graduations. Also yesteryears graduations, did not have the accomplished guest speakers compared to today’s, where many campuses pay mega bucks to lure targeted spoke-persons..
Yesteryears, guest speakers were: educators, principals or clergy. Back then, they were a few blended and interracial families, but not many. Not many female grads went off to university studying. Females got married and started raising families after high school graduations. Most woman could not easily get in to the military, and birth control was very very primitive. Females were starting to drive, enter in to contracts and more and more were casting their votes in elections. Some female students, could not use drivers education in schools.
Also, foggy weather 50 years ago here in Greater Dairy Valley, Calif, really played a hamper on the outdoor graduations, since a lot of the greater Dairy Valley was not developed yet that much, there was a lot of ground fog and mosquitoes. Dense Fog banks, interrupted a lot of graduation ceremonies.
Students back then, didn’t attend lavish after school parties for graduation activities such as compared to today’s youth who are going : Disneyland, Las Vegas, Etc. Can remember going to small graduation events in: Downtown Los Angeles, Ports of call, Long Beach Marina, Catalina, Hollywood, and that was about it. Disneyland did not open to 1954.
Also, graduation programs were much different yesteryears compared to today. There were no limousines, usually ea. family had only one car, so it was customary to carpool to a small Auditorium prom. Some grads had to rely on public bus transportation to the events. There was no lavish clothes back then, and there was also no expensive dinner arrangements, even though we had probably more restaurants back at that time, compared to today. Remember eating at: Silver-Saddles, Del Ray, Reef, Ports o call, and Tahitian Village. Some graduates rented clothes, other purchased used clothes from Goodwill or second hand clothiers, plus consignment centers. There was not many Swamp Meets.
Remember the school buses back then were far and few between, and they were not as efficient , nor safe and nice, compared to today’s efficient school buses, so school buses were not used that much for graduations transportation. Today buses are so awesome, many buses retire for second career as RV Home for travelers. . Many students had to rely on public transportation for ceremonies, as some families were one car only or had them repossessed…..
Back 50 years ago, don’t think there was a lot of emphasis on students trying to get to universities compared to today, and there was no such thing as voluminous paperwork, test scores, tests, GPA, College Prep Classes, scholar ships, in order to get into universities. Most students were just happy to get into junior colleges. Student transportation back then was very limited, most students had a cheap used car, moped, schwinn cycle,not very many students had a new car or an economical car. Many students used the legacy systems for college admissions. Other students hoped to get to college via Military Service or built-in perks from employer.
Most graduations ceremonies took place around Father’s Day, in the middle of June, schools in Southern California did not get out in May, like today.
Remember going to graduations, mothers and maybe a few aunts and grandmothers, would wear a pseudo fur coat or a fur wrap, if it was being held Outdoors. June was usually a cool month and full of a lot of June Gloom and fog, so the fur piece was great and vogue. . Also remember seeing a lot of nude streaking, when men and women graduates, would run across the track or the field completely naked.
Do recall many students did bring in small Canter’s of liquor to graduations, they were no larger than a couple of inches in height, easily fit into a coat pocket or purse. Only drugs, can remember being used was LSD, and some cannabis products. Cigarettes, beer was Vice for a lot of students, students were not as worried back then of lung-liver cancer excetera.
Many graduations, students were not dressed up that much, neither were the parents, this was post World War II era- Korean/Vietnam War. Money was tight, so money wasn’t spent on graduations that much. Graduation gowns were rented and very much used and washed out looking. Men wore cotton starched –iron dress oxford shirts and women wore skirts/dresses. Nothing compared to the wardrobes from Kardashian’s of today. There was not much wrinkle free clothes, nor double knit materials. Many graduating students did not have the money to purchase: Varsity Jackets, School Ring nor Year Books, nor pictures..
Yesteryears, graduating classes, were only part of the class, many students dropped out, scooped up by Hollywood producers, failed exit tests or held back, drop outs, entered in to work careers or enlisted in military. Many students could not attend graduations because of being pregnant, shot gun marriages or LGBT associations.
Some graduations did include presents: stocks and bonds, maybe $5 or $10, and hopefully you kept them for a lifetime, so they would reach full maturity value. Grandparents-relatives passed down personal inheritance things from yesteryears.
Students of yesteryear didn’t travel much for spring vacation, but do remember after graduation from high school or college, some students would hitchhike either across the United States or Europe, to do a lot of traveling /studying the geography and demographics.. Parents and students did not have the abundance of money to travel first class, so students just relied on traveling using: Youth Hostels, YMCA, Maritime Port facilities, VW Vans, Woody’s, farm house room rentals, and boycotted a lot of the traditional pricey motels and hotels. Some students decided to live a free love lifestyle, AKA: hippies, and either dropped out of school or after graduation, faded away in to the hippy culture, which today’s grads know of Homeless. There was huge increase in love children birth rates. Some girls could afford abortions, others relied on Kerby Vacuums and slat water to abort non-wanted babies in HS.
Graduations today, are very expensive, over rated, impersonal, and filled with a lot of external hoopla. Lot of grads are burned out on Tomorrows College and job employment, they do not have the time to stop and take in and enjoy the graduations for 2019-2020. Take some time and enjoy this special day in your life, it will never be duplicated again.
Remember, Cerritos shares many school districts, not just the ABCUSD. In return, not all attendees at ABCUSD live in the district, many live outside the districts.
———-BUDGET SUGGESTIONS————– June 13, 2019.
1. Moratorium to eliminate all special events: Halloween Haunt, Easter Festival, Spring Festival, Memorial Day Festival, Fourth July, MLK Festival, excetera. Money saved could go towards the Tree Trimming Budgets.
2. Moratorium on sports lights at the sports complex. No nite games.
3. 6 months of the year, citywide turf maintenance only once every two weeks.
4. Eliminate overnight parking ordinance and street cleaning citations.
5. Reduce the Personnel in Planning Dept. & Financial Departments.
6. Why do we need three LASD Lieutenants. Many cities can do with just one captain.
7. Moratorium to reduce some of the youth sport activities for resident only youth.
8. Eliminate VOP.
9. Moratorium on ethnic restaurants, until we can secure: steak, chicken and meat restaurants. Too much money is leaving the city, because Cerritos does not have diversified eateries.
10. FAC must merge with CPC and meet 6 x yr.
11. PRC merge with EC and meet 6x yr.
12. Elected CCC, stop receiving financial/insurance compensation. Palos Verdes Estates CC is pro-bono.
13. Construct some wind farms/ solar farms on top of buildings, parking shade shelters and billboards.
14. Business Rent fee schedule for all of the 35% rental homes in order to aid salaries of code enforcement officers. Currently, our Rental Homes are an invisible businesses with no income to the city.
15. Reduce the operational hrs by 25%: CCPA and Library.
16. Stop all overtime to employees.
17. Construction of Freeway Electronic boards & rent them out.
18. City Hall operational only 4 days week.
19. CCPA lease out to name branding by 3rd party.
20. CCPA soft gambling.
21. Exploring Short term Mello Roos tax for commercial/business in city and vacate sculpture banking for couple of years. Earned monies to go towards PW improvements.
22. Start charging street light tax to the commercial sections.
23. EXPAND Park Maintenance crew to maintain some city easements: Example: El Rancho Verdes Park +(Winkler Greenbelt + Bloomfield Target) could also maintain the city landscape easements, in this section and eliminate landscape sub contractors. Could be duplicated around the city.
24. Rent out the parking spaces at Cerritos Ironwood Golf Course, to RV overnight parking, with 14 day restrictions.
25. Reduce the LASD cars on patrol by 25% and supplement some Private Security Patrol, 24/7.
Mayor Solanki:
nareshsolanki @ gmail . com
This budget is getting outrageous. Ever since the turn of the century in 2000 yr. budget needs to be taken more seriously……..just look at our city, businesses on hole look great, but the residential hoods are dreadful, city landscape is a blite, along with the trees & host of many PW disasters. You were elected to be our CEO of everybody’s hood and this is not happening. Each RE developer turned their sold-out tract(s) over to the city, in order to be maintained at any cost by the city. We are all shareholders in this city and our money we have invested in to all real property housing/ improvements are not being maintained to your fullest.
Demand that the CCC spend infinity of hours having STUDY SESSIONS before July 1, 2019, in order to get our hoods and housing back to the 1970’s – 1980 era. So many of our hoods are deteriorating beyond repair now, this is the result of past CCC not doing their due diligence in gentrification to all sections of the city..
Here is the above link to Cerritos sale data……..Our housing prices in Cerritos are crashing crashing…………
.Potential Cerritos Buyers do not want to invest in Cerritos and inherit decades of deffered maintenance, which this CCC has neglected and thrown under the bus. Heartland of American buyers are purchasing homes outside of Cerritos, in to La Palma, Cypress, Fullerton, Los Alamitos, Rossmoore and so on.
Dr. Mary Sieu
Cerritos and your school district are in for some rough tide.
Cerritos is one of the few cities which realestate prices are dropping, where many other cities prices are rebounding and are higher then Cerritos. We have way too many foreclosures, where other cities do not.
LA Mello Roos school bond failed and residents in Cerritos will now be questioning facts about BB Bond.
Yorba Linda is where many Cerritos residents relocate too and YL has grand new high school.
Cerritos population is shrinking big time in 2018-2019. Why? Cerritos buyers are worrying about all of the deferred public works in the city. https://patch.com/california/cerritos/here-s-how-cerritos-population-changed-2018
Now Palos Verdes student wins perfect test score, where Cerritos has never and Whitney HS is falling from grace state wide.
BB Bond will not get completed for 20 yrs, so with inflation data, the Bond will loose least 25% of it value from inflation and administration costs, since trustees choose to not obey the 2/3 majority votes to pass & use the 58% vote.
There are fewer and fewer nice homes in Cerritos, which will only keep out Heartland of American buyers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy2bZ5tvDq0 Cerritos is getting a bad reputation, the city is known to be a place where homes go to die, because of the lack of equal diversity, falling prices and outdated school district & mountain high of differed menopausal Public Works Projects.
Wow………Potential Cerritos Buyers do not want to invest in Cerritos and inherit decades of differed maintenance, which this CCC has neglected and thrown under the bus. Heartland of American buyers are purchasing homes outside of Cerritos, in to: ( La Palma, Cypress,
Fullerton, Los Alamitos, Rossmoore ) and so on. City if getting bad rep, Cerritos is where fine homes are dying.
2020 budget is getting outrageous. Ever since the turn of the century in 2000 yr. budget needs to be taken more seriously……..just look at our city, businesses on hole look great, but the residential hoods are dreadful, city landscape is a blite, along with the trees & host of many PW disasters. You were elected to be our CEO of everybody’s hood and this is not happening. Each RE developer turned their sold-out tract(s) over to the city, in order to be maintained at any cost by the city. We are all shareholders in this city and our money, we have invested in to all real property housing/ improvements are not being maintained to your fullest. We did not purchase Disneyland entertainment, we purchased homes and housing tracts; they must be maintained to industry standards. Pot holes, weeds, dead shrubs, breached irrigation, uplifted sidewalks, crumbling fences, were not any of the reasons, buyer settled in to Cerritos.
Demand that the CCC spend infinity of hours having STUDY SESSIONS before July 1, 2019, in order to get our hoods and housing back to the 1970’s – 1980 era. So many of our hoods are deteriorating beyond repair now, this is the result of past CCC not doing their due diligence in gentrification to all sections of the city..
Here is the above link to Cerritos sale data……..Our housing prices in Cerritos are crashing crashing…………
City of Cerritos is not a very open area for civil rights for homeowners, now our annual budget is shrinking and hitting mostly the Public Works and not the Disneyland events . Public works is the eye candy for residents. Please disperse funds to improve our public works, especially our city owned landscape meridians.
Artificial turf was outlawed and /overturned by state.
RVs are outlawed.
Dreadful overnight parking.
CWP contests has been vacated, where La Palma and Lakewood have re-booted.
Mrs W stopped CCC prayer before council meetings.
Many residents can not listen to CCC, because of the military support the city is giving, which is against many: Cultures, Religions and Countries.
Parkway Trees have now become the new human rites for city.
Every CCC we have to hear: Whitney-Chinese this/that, what about rest of the city, county, state/. We have many schools and Dairy Valley is home to all countries from the world.
No to over night, daily housing rentals, Cerritos is one of the few city which bans this.
No to cannabis sale, well state is changing this.
Solar Panels limitations, have been overturned by state.
Cerritos home prices are falling below the surrounding cities.
Granny Homes was overturned by state & is now legal.
Garage Conversations were illegal/ now over turned by state.
Cerritos held elections outside from the state- county elections, overturned by state.
Cerritos has mostly vacant RV sideyards, because of the strict parking laws.
Cerritos buyer are boycotting many hoods, do not want to inherit breached Public Works A-Z. http://cerritospublicworks.blogspot.com/
Los Cerritos Mall was banned from being open on weekends/nite and overturned, now open 7 days week.
Cerritos has ban on gas stations-convenient markets.
Cerritos has ban on drive thru fast food establishments.
The chickens are really coming home to roost in Cerritos budget. Cerritos has been non-friendly to RV property owners. Aprox. 25% of the housing in Cerritos has RV storage yards on their side yards, and 99% are vacant now. Cerritos sales pitch to buyers in the 70’s-80’s, were RV lots. Sellers have left Cerritos who have RVs, and moved to RV Friendly cities. All the tax revenue/DMV fees are being vacated in Cerritos and moving to other cities .
No trailer storage in driveways.
RVs must adhere to overnight street parking ordinances.
RVs cannot have a special driveway for egress and Ingress. Grand-fathered RV driveways are okay, except no one can construct new driveway and grand-fathered clause expires.
RVs cannot have wide /separate RV driveway, part of the driveway has to have landscape along the boundary wall, and it’s too hard to drive in a 45-foot motorhome, or a 5th Wheel Trailer, into those narrow driveways when you have narrow Landscaping strips along the fence.
City will not allow RV Garages or free standing RV patio/pergolas, to camouflage the RV .
No RV Clubs or group excursions.
No senior programs for RV Owners at the Senior Center.
RV Granny flats have been approved by state, but Cerritos has been silent on subject.
NO RV Portable Vinyl Free standing carports.
Sales Tax revenue for purchasing RV’s is going to Downey/La Mirada for RV dealerships and Cerritos is void of revenue from RV-DMV Fees. City is loosing gas tax revenues too.
RV Owners are leaving Cerritos for: Rossmoor, La Palma, Cypress, Hunt Beach, Yorba Linda, Placentia and Tustin.