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July 19, 2019 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper


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  • Building Pros says:

    Re : ABC begins Employing Infrastructure Contractors.

    Pray the newly elected oversight committee is visiting other campuses in Orange County/ Los Angeles for fresh brain storming ideas. Understood recently that some parents went up to the city of Downey HS campuses, to examine modernized campuses, herd the parents say, Downey campuses were far superior to the Cerritos High School campus today. Know the city of Yorba Linda has recently opened up a new high school campus , think these oversight steering committees should have a field trips there to understand new campuses.

    Just drove by the New Oxford Academy , city of Cypress and I’m not very overwhelmed by the architecture, the closeness to the road, lack of architectural paints/ poor architecture, and the closeness of the campus to the road, plus complete waste of taxpayers money for sculpture art grills attached to the building.

    ABCUSD campuses must blend in with the existing tract of homes, like seen in this link.

    Kennedy High School, city of La Palma is going through facelift too, and when you drive by , the wrought iron security fencing along Walker Boulevard almost looks like a prison. Fencing is crying for some softscaping, something to kind of take some of the edge off of the prison look. Cheers, looks like they’ve also installed some drought-resistant Landscaping to.

    Hay, ABC Supervisors, Lets stop the neon night lighting advertising signs, and the temporary banners, they pollute the entire streetscape and residential hoods are expensive, we dont need this nonsense! For life of me, why do parents have to drive students to/from school, what is wrong with buses, carpool, walking and cycling? Try to sell a home close to school, no body wants to live by a bumper to bumper freeway of cars, M-F.

    Currently not very excited about where a lot of their picnic shelters, playgrounds, and some of the portable classrooms are located close to the streets in ABCUSD. Not in alignment with the neighborhood streetscaping. We all know what a school should look like, should also blend in with the existing surrounding neighborhoods.

    Noticed many OC campuses have solar collector farms over picnic and parking structures, which makes sense, along as does not create cancer.

    Not at all happy with the terms of the BB Mello-Roos Bond, it’s not going to be completed for another 20 years, and with the excessive inflation rates, there’s not going to be as much bang for the buck in 20 years, as there is today.