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December 6, 2019 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • Popcorn Weather says:

    This is a great week for TV couch potatoes while watching channel 3.
    1) Wednesday night, 12/11/2019; meeting on the exploding coyote population.
    2) CCC on Thursday night, 12/12/19:
    Truck routes
    Del Amo Bridge
    Results for the tree study.

    Advised that the City’s parking permit system has migrated to a web-based solution. 90703 new web-based parking permit system is now operational.

    Handicap placards or DMV license plates, is the new Parking Permit, no need for any other filing for permits.
    Aids the handicap, impaired, disabled etc.

    Web-based parking permit program will greatly increase convenience, save time, and reduce operating costs. Filing your Annual Parking Permit application, updating your vehicle status, or requesting an overnight parking permit can now be done 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.
    Residents requiring a 2020 Annual Parking Permit must complete their on line application by March 1, 2020.

    Access the new parking permit system from the City’s home web-page at Once on the City’s home page, look at the “featured links” section and then select “Parking Permits.” When on the parking permit home page, select “Register.” Once you have registered, then follow the process to file your application or request a temporary parking permit.

  • Coyotes says:

    Workshop about coyotes set for December 11
    November 21, 2019

    The City of Cerritos will present a “Living with Coyotes in an Urban Environment” workshop at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11. The workshop is open to the public will take place in the City Council Chambers. Representatives from Animal Care Services, City of Long Beach and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will present information.

    The meeting will be shown live on Cerritos TV3 and will be rebroadcast at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7; 8 a.m. on Saturday, January 11; 7 p.m. on Monday, January 13 and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14. For more information, please call the Community Safety Division at (562) 916-1266.