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December 27, 2019 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • Airstreams says:


    Great educational story. Photos tell million stories ( THE AIRSTREAM TRAILER)

    Some of the Airstream Travel Trailers, like shown in the LCCN articles, display made in Cerritos…. World famous aluminum shinny Airstream trailer at one time, briefly, was manufactured, in South Downey/ or Hollydale, and sometimes the name Hollydale was intermixed with the city of Southgate, Ca. For a short time, Airstream travel trailers were made down somewhere by the today’s 105 freeway is today. Then the manufacturing pad, moved a short time towards Norwalk, and then they moved into Cerritos area by The Interchange of the 605 / 91 freeway. ( Close to Cerritos Ironwood Golf Course ) Airstream had numerous locations. They also had a small repair shop for Airstreams only, in the city of Artesia, Ca. Southside the 91 freeway- West of Pioneer Boulevard. But about 25 years ago, Airstream closed these locations and they moved to the Midwest USA.. Many RV manufactures in the late 90’s, moved out of state from California

    During my time living in Cerritos, saw many many travel trailers being pulled all throughout the city, mainly Airstreams. Airstream was one of the few manufacturers, which sponsored world famous caravans, which staged rallies all over the nation and world. Many of the retired farmers in greater Downey and Cerritos Dairy Valley, belong to some forms of local Airstream rallies. Many Midwest snowbird ( farmers) stayed winters in Socal in their RV, especially Airstreams. Remember, the area back then was not serviced by so many freeways, so RV rallies, travelled over roads and highways. Travel Trailers were very noisy, when they drove thru intersections, since many intersections were deeply divided with drainage canals/ ditches.

    RVs have rich history in Socal. Thrilled (Story Corp) choose the Airstream, as is part of the yesteryears of Cerritos and created many manufacturing jobs.