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January 3, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • Vaping Mouth says:

    City of Cerritos Spent unlimited money to ban e-cigarettes & vapor cigarettes.

    Cerritos is surrounded by nine cities, really wondering if it’s going to do much good, when the other cities have not enforced regulations. When I frequent the other cities , they said their business has improved Leaps and Bounds, ( selling vices ) since the city of Cerritos has placed prohibition on smokes. That means money leaving the city and in to the hand of other cities.

    Additionally, ABCUSD does not only serve Cerritos but it serves other cities, and we have an exchange policy with other cities to import students into the ABC School District. None of these cities have any kind of restrictions on e-cigarettes, so we’re always going to have e-cigarettes coming into the school district all the time. Plus students drive cars and have many vices in their cars, etc.

    Really questioning if banning cigarettes is the responsibility of a small bedroom community, this is something that should be looked at either by the county or the state.

    When growing up, many cities had bans and prohibition on things too, but it fell apart, rite after the ink dried. Just too many surrounding cities, could not afford the legal fees associated in drafting laws after laws, plus residents are more mobile then ever, hence can drive for any vices or be supplied by enabling parents and friends. Then you have educated parents and attorneys, who are more then willing to file court lawsuits to question the constitutionality of prohibitions of this/ that and beyond!

    My opine, Cerritos council should spend more quality time, reaching out in to all of the Neighborhoods Watch zones and get to meet the residents in order to repair and manage the failing urban menopause, which so many areas of the city is going thru.

  • ernie says:

    Nice article on Vaping Ordinance. Unanimous vote.