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January 24, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • INCOME UNITS says:

    INCOME UNITS : Some 2-4 ( fourplex ) would be suitable only for some oversized lots, and possibly some Corner Lots/ CDS/ Key Lots…. compatibility would be the main question!! Implement strict architectural reviews boards, to insure compatibility!

    Many of these mega mansions being built in: Cerritos, Beach Communities, Rossmoor, Downey, Yorba Linda, Orange Hills, Anaheim Hills, Palos Verdes, Fullerton, are really 2 – 4 Plex in Sq Footage alone. No one knows how many people or families are living in these mega mansions.

    Two- three story residential building, would not be that objective in some neighborhoods, because many tri-level homes are three stories high. If the property is being rebuilt, lots of lost real-estate square footage in placement: Garages, patios, pools, balconies, pergolas, outdoor workshops, carports, casitas, etc, should look at making it mandatory for a basement. Basements would be great for a granny flat or an income-producing unit.

    Seen many income-producing units between 2 to 4 units, and they are compatible with the neighborhoods, but it has to be done on a case-by-case architectural engineered bases. Parking is an issue in some cases, but remember not every household has a car anymore, and with the size of cars being reduced, many cars can be put into a lot, and a garage can be subterranean. Senior granny flats, usually do not drive, but need elevators, if multi- levels.

    Area was built on the concept of 3-5 bedrooms and huge family rooms and living rooms, wrapped in a SFR . Many families, either young or old, do not need more then 1 bedroom or bachelor unit and never use a living room. Many families never use a backyard, pool or patio, so these are wasted real estate.

    Remember, nation has laws pertaining to mortgage requirements, 1-4 plex units, do fall under single family residents and not commercial financing.

  • Ring Doorbells says:

    RE: Ring Door Bell Hacking

    Thank you Mr. Brian Hews for publishing this newsworthy story. Been on TV news stations /print , for the last couple of years. Hacking is not only hitting ring doorbells, but many other security systems and car alarms.

    Personally, very sickened at the engineering placement of the alarms /security systems, among residences in the city of Cerritos. Cerritos wants to advertise they have such a unique diversity, unparalleled STEM system. Please, Please drive up and down the streets, security systems poorly installed, no engineering, and no ascetics placement at all. Properties with no outdoor lighting, no house/landscape maintenance, side-yard gate left unlocked, mail boxes left unlocked, overgrown horticulture, no timers on lights, and so forth…. Yet the New Breed wants to take over the city of Cerritos, driving: Lexus, BMWs and the Mercedes-Benz, don’t even have the brain power to install correct placement of alarm/security systems. Alarm system is only as good as the homeowner installer wants it to be. Some of the poor and below industry standards , lack of engineering going into the placement of alarms throughout the city of Cerritos homeowners, just blows my mind. It really cheapens the city and makes the LASD appear they are losers in the battle to reduce burglaries and robberies. .

    For the life of me, cannot understand why the city planning department has not taken a stand for security systems installations, city is spending $18-$19M for sheriffs /lASD contract yearly. Cerritos council voted to have an increase in sales tax, but yet in the past, CCC have looked the opposite way with deaf ears in regards to security systems. (Whats App) could be an awesome tool for the neighborhood watch system, but with the lack of intelligence and Communications, we have between residential hoods, it’s only a pipe dream. For many decades, Cerritos wants to be compared to Beverly Hills and Irvine, well go to both cities, there security is hi tech and their data supporting crime, is considerably lower compared to the Greater Dairy Valley of Cerritos, Ca. 90703.

    LASD has rolled out many new security tools, with little success amount the 15,000 homes. Mr. Daryl Evans has done absolute A+ in all systems, but with the lack of participation in the city 15,000 it is not working.

    Operational Night Lite.
    Cerritos Window Decals
    Cerritos Neighborhood Watch Yard n Garden Signs.
    Neighborhood Watch Weekly Emails.
    Cerritos daily and weekly crime updates.
    Neighborhood Watch zones., plus phenomenal Townhall Meetings.
    Neighborhood Watch Block Parties and door prizes.
    Property Preservation Commission to improve aesthetics in the 15,000 homes.
    City Web Page has NW links, archives of TH meetings and so forth.

    New CCC candidates running for office.

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