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January 31, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • Forum Follower says:


    Understand, CITY will be having two candidates forms in February.

    1. Are you aware of the potential problems, during the reconstruction of the Del Amo bridge and the proposed Demolition and reconstruction of the Sports Complex, which can take up to 7 years for completion. How will the Dust Bowl and increased tractor-truck traffic be mitigated in the South East part of Cerritos.? City has over 50% seniors and the air quality could be problematic and even fatal to many, during these dusty times. Staff said we can not wash off streets, compared to earlier projects, so only means of cleaning streets, will be use of street cleaning machines. Seven yrs, some of the population will be passing on and the air quality will only make life worse for seniors.

    2. In a few words, please opinionate on the Property Preservation Comm, so it is more educational, since we are a city of 60+ yrs old and our housing needs help. Plus the city residents, 50% are seniors and have a wide spectrum of economics and limited access to maintenance and construction vendors.

    3. PLEASE discuss the pros / cons of a city-wide sales tax on all rental homes. Will the candidates support having a business tax on all rental income producing properties in the city. Rental homes now have est. 37% of the housing stock. 15,000 homes, that would be more than 5,000 homes are used for rentals, currently have no business license, no tax towards the city. This is also something that Chamber of Commerce should look into, these rentals are a form of a business and they are tax-free.

    4. Re-booting the famous City Wide pride contest in to a different flavor: Best driveways, Best Remodeled Home, Best Holiday Decorations, Best Security, Best Daily Night Lights, Best Landscape, Best Floral Garden and so forth. Any suggestions for inexpensive prizes?

    5. World known Cerritos Senior Center is awesome, but lack programs for all seniors, especially senior men and does not reciprocate with other Senior Centers. What can you do to reverse and improve this?

    [email protected]
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  • Garage says:

    Maximizing Garages.

    Great article. Garages have evolved immensely, since the 1960s-70s, when many of these wood stick garages were built. Some were so spooky and dirty looking.

    Just painting the garage interior, 100% Hi Gloss Whites, ads tremendous face-lift, and many homeowners are choosing to paint the garage floor a light taupe, or gray color. Paint really gives a clean look, few homeowners have opted for hi glass white enamel finish, spraying the entire garage….others have chosen to spray the interior hi gloss white lacquer, so interior looks like mega white appliance.

    Add an interior hot tub, Jacuzzi or spa to the garage corner, great place to soak 24/7 and with nudity privacy and screen from sun burns and skin cancer.

    Notice a lot of garages, are convertible areas now : Pull down Wall Murphy bed, so garage can be a guest bedroom. Adding accessories: refrigerators, microwaves, electric cook tops, trash compactors, so they can use the garage wall, per a small kitchen area. Few homes are even choosing to install a sliding glass on one wall, so the garage can open up to the outdoors and become a expandable family room or a casita. Empty garages are excellent dining room in the winter months for dining during the holidays, or fantastic shade area during the heat of the summer. Some homes in both Cerritos-La Palma have screen cloths covering the open garage door, to ad in cross ventilation. Screen cloth is the same dimensions per garage door opening.

    Remember (Operational Nite Lite) program, by LASD, keep interior/exterior lites burning, along with a radio talking 24/7, so burglars think the property owners are in the garage. Keep cars covered in the garage, so when the garage door is open, cars are not advertising to the world. Hidden, security camera can be built in to the garage roof and walls, for outdoor security.

    Keep in mind, add few Cupboards- sliding clothes closets in the garage areas, room is still fantastic area for storage including the garage attic. Lot of large items can be stored in the garage, such as : suitcases, toy boxes, safes, fire proof lockers & steel chest, patio furniture, card tables, x-large holiday decorations and play safe area for children’s play toys. Hang bike from racks, so they become sculpture pieces. Mobile Islands are great areas for dry bar or rest areas for playing cards.

    Garages are becoming a huge commodity, many are selling at prime rates, as many properties are not equipped with adequate garage space, so our going out in to the hood, to lease, rent of purchase garage spaces.

    Don’t take your garage for granted, make the garage become a similar room compared to your : Kitchen, Master Bedroom-Den or outdoor kitchen experience.

  • Debater says:

    Cerritos Candidates Forum | Died Ugly Death

    Gravely disappointed in the questions propelled and also by the vague answers by the candidates. Eight candidates participated, one was absent.

    Most of the candidates rallied for the betterment of the city, candidates forgot one strategic element in their proposals. City does not have good clean, up-to-date- housing stock, nor well maintained city areas. World can be invited to start up a business here in Cerritos, but they’re not going to stay. Many people have fled Cerritos for: Huntington Beach, Irvine and Yorba Linda and will not be returning. City lost housing, restaurants, stores, markets, which are all staples for the Heartland of American Jobs.

    Ex: My neighbor left Cerritos recently, to dirty of city, moved in to Brea. Many others will be following.

    Many of the candidates prayed for better high tech technology jobs in Cerritos, but where are the employees going to live? Those are good jobs, but we don’t have good housing for that caliber of people. We lost: Boeing, Hughes, GM, Ford, Toyota, some of TRW, Rockwell and so forth.

    Candidates rallied for affordable housing, another Dead on Arrival Thought. First time home owners of low income house, can not afford to pay annually on 3 school bonds. Plus, if you are purchasing in ABCUSD, parents do not want their kids to be in school, with parachute students coming in to our district, from other districts.

    If the candidates reverse their thinking to outside the box, if city improves on our housing situation, the sky’s the limit what kind of businesses we could attract here.

    Measure C is dead on arrival, no ceiling, no specific dollar amount to be divided in to financing city projects. Voters fear 99.99% will go to wages, .010 will go towards PW/CCPA.

    Rerun 2/7 and 2/9, plus Chambers Forum on 2/15. Some residents have already caste their votes on 2/3 Norwalk.