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February 21, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • Officer Vo $$ says:

    Officer Vo is a policeman and the auto mall is hoping for more and improved security from the LASD, plus Vo has been promising new entitlement on the LASD Cerritos station and researching to vacate the LASD contract and create Cerritos PD. Plus the Auto Mall is feeling a squeeze on test driving cars and parking employee cars, so hoping Vo can vacate some of the past. Would not be surprised, if some of the dealers in Cerritos Auto Mall have connections in the South Bay-Torrance, so is pay back time. One time heard that Cerritos Chevrolet poss be connected to Caddy Broker in Torrance, since both share Penske Cadillac. Many Cadillac’s are delivered via Chev, in Cerritos Mall.

    If elected, pray that guns are not carried to CCC hearing by councilpersons serving. Word has it, Vo may be trigger happy with guns, if elected to CCC. Vo has wicked temper, if the residents remember the last CCC forum few yrs back.

    Past Mayors of Torrance, did not speak highly of Officer Vo on the Torrance PD.

    Ret. Planning Commissioner, Vo who worked on the new two largest apartments complexes in Cerritos, well they still are partially vacant, even though grand opening few yrs ago. Apartment complex recently been sold, which sits on the North side of Chevrolet in Cerritos Mall, wonder if this $48M sale will remain apartments or convert to expansion for Chevrolet/ Penske.

    Don’t think Vo should be working the contracts with any police or sheriffs, long term conflict of interest.

  • La Palma says:

    Thank you for publishing the La Palma Spot, telling us about the home of the month award in the city of La Palma. Great story. Sure wish the city of Cerritos would reboot the Citywide Pride Contest, maybe the Chamber of Commerce to do something to promote this in Cerritos.