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March 27, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper






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  • Heards Tour says:

    HEARDS TOUR….. Great information for stay-at-home parents and students. Thanks for all the links provided in story, Heards Tour -200 Photos, page 8. Lot of eye candy photo links.

  • House Bound says:

    STAY AT HOME———-Does Socal residents and Cerritos Dairy Valley area, remember what happened last Easter / spring, 2019; 48 hours there was millions and millions of Monarch butterflies flying through Cerritos and other areas. Adult butterflies had hatched from the Kelp Fields off of Baja California and they covered Southern California airways. Spring rains have ignited abundance of wild flowers everywhere, so be on the look out for clouds of butterflies.

    We have no swallows this year, wondering if it’s because of the virus……or is god is sending us signal? This is a quiet year outside, no traffic noise, no air plane noise, no freeway noise for Cerritos residents. Just golden sitting outside, quietness is so rare, compared to the Cuban Issues, USA was faced with during the late 50’s- early 60’s.

    Last night around supper hour, after the force winds subsided, dark colored Coyote walked thru the yard and this morning, walkers-joggers-cyclists were greeted with wild squirrels running up/down streets, eating from Blvd Street Trees.

    TV News-personnel who are working remotely from their private homes, are airing lot of interesting street scapes in their neighborhoods. Boy oh boy, some of their homes sure are glamorous to say the least.

  • Cerritos Restaurants says:

    What happened to the restaurants in Cerritos advertising in newspaper, are they open for business, curbside delivery only?

    Applaud applaud applaud all the surrounding cities are advertising restaurants open in your newspaper, which not only helps the labor workforce, but also helps people eat which are not able to go grocery shopping or cook for themselves. Cerritos is 60% seniors, they need take out food……….

    Restaurants provide a good public service for the residents of the state, each day about 25% of the residents eat out. this is a wake-up call Cerritos city council, and also for the restaurants in Cerritos, residents still need to eat, please open up here restaurants , for drive-by pick up only, even if you only offer one menu on your item, least it’s feels a lot of hungry stomachs.

    • Eateries says:

      What are you missing most in this time of social distancing?

      Going out to eat (49%, 63 Votes)
      Going to church (28%, 36 Votes)
      Getting a haircut (20%, 25 Votes)
      Going to the library (2%, 3 Votes)
      Going to the movies (1%, 1 Votes)
      Total Voters: 128

  • Vacancies says:

    Facts are the COVID19 could be reaching its peak in another three weeks or more. Meantime, Cerritos residents only have:
    1. Kaiser Hospital in Downey,
    2. La Palma Community Hospital.
    3. Lakewood Hospital,
    4. Los Alamitos Hospital,
    5. Long Beach Memorial,
    6. St Mary hospitals in Long Beach.
    7. UCI Medical Center in Orange,

    Longterm, it’s mind-boggling that Cerritos Management/ City Council, has not opted to do anything with the vacant:

    CCPA Parking Structure.
    Cerritos City Hall Parking Structure.
    Grocery Store Pad.
    Mulligan building on Bloomfield,
    Orchard store,
    Sears store in the LCM,

    Time is of the essence, pray that our Mgnt. has already done some due diligent homework in the aboves, before county reaches epic levels of this virus. Airports are reducing fleets by 90%, LA Harbor transport ships are idling in the harbor, this could be a slow death towards food starvation.

    90703 City Managers: Kathy and Art are both seniors in their mid -upper 70’s, Edwards and Grace Hu are councilpersons in their mid 70’s. All of these should be quarantined, as rules of the land, seniors stay home.

  • Toilet Paper says:


    Some people aren’t shaking hands because of Coronavirus19 DIARRHEA. No one is shaking hands because everyone is out of toilet paper.

    City of Cerritos, on their televised Council Meeting, Mar 26, 2020, admitted that they purchased bulk supply of paper, for their staff and to give away to few of the seniors. This is even on You Tube…….March 26, 2020 City of Cerritos COVID Informational Report

    Well over 50% of the 600 Cerritos Staff is working from home, so why is the city hoarding paper? City Mgr said it was pure finances, city had the money to purchase in bulk supplies. Well the city has over 6,000 residents who are on poverty income, plus city is home to over 25, 000 seniors, who do not have the financial reserves to purchase paper.

    Look at our deserted streets, essential business act, our street are full of plumbing trucks, as residents toilets/ sewers are plugged, because of too large paper/ or leaves/ or cardboards, being pushed & digested down in to the thirsty toilets.

    Reality, city is on lockdown, parents are working on line from their homes, students are home doing home studying, residents are ill too. So the average household is consuming more paper because of lack of exercising & still eating old food out of cans. Supply and demand are not on terms, TP is still out of stock, when needed the most. Hate to think, if the city had a flood or earthquake, will need TP more then now.

    Some residents have resorted to using the curbside trash cans for toileting paper goods. Soon as the weather turns hot and return of mosquitoes & dairy flies, all cities are to be faced with public health issues-

    Well, back to the showers…..