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2020 Heard’s Garden Tour, 200 photos for Viewing




Nestled in the heart of historic Old Towne Orange, this eclectic garden compliments the charm and character of the turn of the last century cottage it surrounds. The whimsical garden is bordered with a picket fence with cottage-style flowers, while the interior is comprised of a mix of California natives, California friendlies, and more cottage-garden-style plants.


Since many Property Owners and students throughout the state of California,  are home this spring, this may be the year to  work on your garden. 

Vegetables-fruits-orchards are great for eating & great learning for stay at home students , and flowers are great pollinators to preserve our ecosystem in this great state. 

Get out and enjoy our parks, gardens and listen, no airplanes above and freeways are quiet too. From time to time, cities of Lakewood, Long Beach, many Landscape Contractors Assoc and La Palma will be posting on-line, noteworthy gardens too. 

Living in our area, we are blessed with some of the most awesome open space areas, please help preserve. Spring 2020, is probably one of the greenest springs since Spring 1965, when we had a very wet spring till Memorial Day. 

The greater Agriculture Horticulture industry is protected by the essential industries,   to remain  open during these rough times caused by the virus.  Please visit your local garden centers, as landscapers, tree trimmers, cemetery grounds keepers, park personal,  landscape architect-designers and garden contractors will all be working to make this a better state.

We are hopeful for the best and plan for the worst;  and continue to take comfort in enjoying our little slices of garden heaven. Stay safe out there. We choose to live in Greater Dairy Valley community, because of its Master Plan Garden Community back in the 1970’s, so this may be the spring to do some garden chores. Yes, at age 100 YO, still enjoy touring and seeing our great parks and gardens.

In the meantime, why not take a virtual tour of the 200 gardens photos on  Heards Spring 2020 website?


1. Armstrong Garden Centers- OC/LA and Long Beach.

2. Green Thumb Garden Center- So County

3. H&H Nursery, Lakewood

4. Home Depot and Lowe’s Garden Centers

5. Lakewood Nursery, Lakewood / Cypress

6. Rainforest Garden Center, Torrance

7. Rogers Garden Center- Newport Beach.

8. Site one Garden Centers in Orange County.

9. Tree of Life Garden Center- So. County.

10. Upland Garden Center- Orange.

Plus Many smaller Nurseries located on Utility Easements throughout OC/LA County.

Former Heards Garden 

Tour Property: 

Cerritos Garden Tours 

of real gardens: 

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  • Essential Businesses says:

    Wow…..HEARDS TOUR….. Great information for stay-at-home parents and students. Thanks for all the links provided in story, Heards Tour -200 Photos plus links to the home and garden images. This is better then many of the TV news stations, reporting their slant on the CVD-19, lot of eye candy in all of the photo links.

    We readers need more happy news like in this story. This is great to watch from my TV/You Tube station, for us stay in place residents.

    Heards Tour are always the Mercedes/Cadillac of tours each spring, always enjoy seeing my neighbors labor of love.

  • Sunshine Park says:

    Now is the time to start thinking about changing from an animal-based diet, to a plant-based diet such as fruits/veggies. Residents all over the United States should start thinking about reducing their animal-based diet intake and substituting it with plant diet. Plants can thrive in gardens and be consumed by residents/renters.

  • Heritage Park Neighbor says:

    Wondering if the vacant growing grounds at Cerritos High School along Bloomfield Avenue, are going to be used now for growing fruits and vegetables since we don’t have a lot of various produce in our markets.

    School Board of Trustees should seriously start thinking into this.

  • Neighborhood Watch says:


    IMPORTANT: Especially now during increasingly difficult economic times, and with 1700 low-level-offense LA County criminals being released back onto the street to prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading in our jails, Both LA/OC are releasing inmates from jail before their time is up. Make sure:

    – Porch and security lights are turned ON at night in both front and back yards.

    – Vehicles are parked in driveways whenever possible.

    – Never leave anything of significant value inside your car, and definitely never where it is visible.

  • H & H Nursery says:

    H&H Nursery- Lakewood

    We are open.

    Starting Friday, 4/3/2020, our store hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. With the uncertainty of these times, we may need to adjust that, but we will keep you posted. Again, we thank you for your patronage.

    That being said, we appreciate our community and our guests and want to ensure that we have the goods and services you need. If you are not feeling well, please take care and get well soon.

    We are so fortunate to have wide open areas of open air space, and we want to ensure that our employees and guests can maintain a safe distance and practice social distancing.

    We have been implementing a cleaning and sanitizing routine on a regular basis. The health and safety of our guests and employees are our number one concern.

  • Home Depot Garden Centers says:

    Home Depots – Changes Hours during Pandemic

    Close each day at 6pm, so the stores and garden centers can be thoroughly cleaned.

    Largest Garden Center operated by Home Depot is located on the 91 freeway, Savi Ranch, Yorba Linda.

  • Armchair Tours says:

    Theodore Payne Foundation Offering Online Garden Tour, | Photos from Socal Gardens | Some Gardens are close to Cal Poly University | Lots of Eye Candy to view, during the time staying home.

    You may like to go on this 10 min walk, enjoy