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April 10, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community Newspaper eNewspaper

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  • Cases says:


    Cerritos: 30 cases, deaths unknown
    La Palma: 15 cases, deaths unknow

  • Pioneer Veggie Man says:

    Vegetable Planting.

    Raised vegetable Planters work the best in the city of Cerritos- La Palma, as a lot of the original native soil is not the best for raising vegetables. There is a hard pan under the soil, which hurts/injures planting. Hawaiian Gardens was home to bean crops. Some of Cerritos was home to strawberry fields, but most berries do not like heat.

    Proven Winners vegetables have the best seedlings on the market. Purchased at H & H, Home Depot and Lowes

    Remember Cerritos has lot of roaming animals: Possum- skunks- raccoons and coyotes which will eat the vegetables. Better to plant vegetables which grow under the ground: potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, yams, sweet potatoes.

    If the custom built raised vegetable Planters are tall enough, a lot of the animals will not crawl up inside of the planters & each stock.

    Many homes have wooden lattice patio tops which are great for growing: grapes, watermelons, cantaloupes, pumpkins, muskmelons, cucumbers as of rodents do not crawl on top of the patios quite that easily. Vertical patio posts, can be covered with aluminum sheathing to stop animals from climbing.

    Great crops for raised veggies gardens: squashes, chives, lettuces, cabbage, tomatoes.

    Corn stalks can attract ants.

  • Pandemic Stats says:

    Cases: 4/11/2020 | Unknown Deaths per City |

    City of Cerritos 32 ( 63.91 )
    City of Lakewood 41 ( 51.02 )
    City of Bellflower 50 ( 64.32 )
    City of Artesia 5 ( 29.77 )
    City of Norwalk 74 ( 68.76 )

  • Flat says:

    Case Load: City of Cerritos 32 ( 63.91 ). Flattened curve at last.

  • Snails says:

    Cerritos Dairy Valley is hatching snails-snails, since the drought yrs have been replaced with near average rain amounts.

    Snail can lay aprox 80 eggs per her cycle and she does that (5) times yr, so that equates to over 450 hungry snails hitting our gardens. Snails like flowers and our Victory Veggie Gardens….