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Cerritos Update from Councilmember Frank Aurelio Yokoyama

Greetings Cerritos residents:

During these unprecedented times I’ve decided to write an article every week giving Cerritos residents updates on what’s going on in the city; the Los Cerritos Community News has been kind enough to accommodate my request, which will appear both in print and online.

This is my very first installment, I hope that it gives you insight into city happenings; I wish you and your family good health!

The May issue of The Cerritos News will include a page of information about resources to help residents and businesses facing personal and financial challenges due to the COVID-19 local emergency. The Summer Community Services Program and the May issue of the Library News will not be published due to program cancellations.

Applications for the Cerritos Library’s Volunteen Summer Session will soon be available online. Library patrons who need help with library services can leave a message at 562-916-1340 and staff will return calls as soon as possible. Patron use of the Library’s digital services have significantly increased since the Library closed to the public.

The Los Angeles County Health Officer extended the Safer at Home Order until May 15. Staff is currently researching options for the summer programming schedule. 37 signs were placed at the City’s parks to encourage park visitors to practice social distancing.

Last week, the City’s Maintenance Division received 21 graffiti removal requests and workers removed graffiti from 28 locations in the City. That same week, our Tree Division crews trimmed two trees, removed four trees, and stumped three trees. During this time, the City’s tree trimming contractor trimmed 113 trees and removed five trees.

We have a special City Council meeting tomorrow at 2 p.m., I hope you can listen in and watch.

Cerritos Zoom meeting online link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88170537188

Cerritos Zoom Meeting call-in telephone number: 1 (669) 900-6833

Cerritos Zoom Meeting ID: 881 7053 7188

The next Cerritos City Council meeting is April 23 at 7 pm.

Stay safe Cerritos.

Councilman Frank Yokoyama




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  • Digital says:

    Frank: In times of quarantine, people form digital connections & am not seeing this in this city, nor receiving daily updates from CCC. Look at cities web page, many items are day old news and not being updated on regular pattern.

    You and your parents are respected/ seasoned realtors, but the city is not advertising open/ closed businesses.