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Social Distancing Serves a Critically Important Purpose to Protecting Public Health and Curbing the Spreading of COVID-19


 PASADENA, Calif.April 20, 2020 — Social crowding – individuals gathering less than six-feet apart – has been proven to enable the coronavirus (COVID-19) to spread through populations. The concept behind social distancing has been touted as an effective way of helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining at least six feet of physical space from one another.

The coronavirus transmits from person to person primarily through coughing and sneezing, from which the virus is carried on droplets that can enter through the nose, mouth and eyes of others. This is why social distancing is so important to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

“With social distancing, along with the other infection prevention guidance including staying at home, frequent hand-washing and the wearing of masks, the rate of individuals being infected by this highly infectious virus will remain lower,” said Dr. James E. Baker, with Kaiser Permanente Southern California.

“Without such preventive measures, the number of coronavirus cases rises dramatically,” he continued. “That steep increase can overwhelm the healthcare system of communities and countries as we have seen in New York City and Italy, for example. When the system is overwhelmed, it’s harder for everyone to receive the level of care normally provided, even those who don’t have COVID-19.”

With social distancing, people may still be transmitting the coronavirus to others, but at a much slower rate, thus flattening the curve,” Dr. Baker explained. The number of individuals infected will be spread out over a longer period of time, which in itself will reduce rapid transmission of the virus.

“This will allow health care resources to keep up with the demand to care for patients, provide better care, and save lives!” Dr. Baker said.

For COVID-19 trusted resources for information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control or the World Health Organization. Additional information is also available at kp.org.

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  • Parade of Masks says:

    Yup we get it……like to see this continue until we get a vaccine. This just makes common sense.

    Some businesses need to relax this, too many long lines outside said bus and not enough patrons allowed in to some stores.

    Masks are great and way over do.

    How many places are making masks/ ventilators in Cerritos?