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City of Cerritos Update From Councilmember Frank Aurelio Yokoyama

On April 20, Cerritos College hosted a virtual community forum via Zoom regarding the existing temporary automobile storage lot located at Studebaker Road and 166th Street.

City staff attended the virtual event as an observer.

The event was attended by two residents from the surrounding neighborhood. Both residents expressed appreciation to College staff, and commented that the later start time and the virtual platform enabled more people to participate who normally cannot.

College staff indicated that they would consider using the virtual platform after the pandemic. College staff announced that the next quarterly community forum will be in June 2020.

Last week, the City’s Maintenance Division received 21 graffiti removal requests and workers removed graffiti from 36 locations in the City.

The City’s Tree Division crews trimmed 75 trees. During this time, the City’s tree trimming contractor trimmed 175 trees and removed 13 trees.

Last week, Senior Center and Human Services Association (HSA) provided 308 congregate meal and 37 home delivered meal patrons with five frozen meals per senior. HSA is the sole provider of both home delivered and frozen congregate meals.

Seniors also received one toilet paper roll from the Senior Center, and distribution will continue once a week as supplies last. 384 rolls were distributed last week. 

The City of Cerritos also provided seniors in need with a mask and a pair of gloves.

The next Cerritos City Council meeting is May 11 at 7pm.

Stay safe Cerritos!

  • Zoom says:

    Now come zoom is so poor video and audio quality, compared to many other cities which are using Zoom?

    CCC fotos on zoom are poor and the audio is worse .

    Where is James Edwardy, newly elected.

  • Marquardt says:


    Temp auto storage lots everywhere, since we are home to enormous auto rental agencies.

    Need more dates, to discuss the annual 2021 Budget, one nite will not cut the mustard. Will not be able to see the budget Numbers on the bitty little screen on the zoom program.

    Senior dinners, remember are bite size, most dogs eat better canned food, then is what being served out of the senior center.

    Just thought, w/ Covid19 still wild card, who will ever use the CCPA or Senior Centers, unless groups meetings are to be held outdoors.

  • 64th Anniversary says:

    What happened to the city 64th annual anniversary ? Did it get airbrushed cause of pandemic virus?

    Rest azure, if this was annual Chinese-Whitney or Filipino celebration, you prob. would have imported in the Blue Angeles to fly overhead.

    Both Easter & city anniversary were forgotten, but why have a auto parades around the city for seniors, when you have air brushed 2 major events from Ap 20202 calendar?

  • Centurions says:

    Birthday Parties

    Despite coronavirus limits, it was “best birthday party ever” for 105-year-old D-Day vet Sam Sachs, former Cerritos resident, now living in Lakewood.

    Frank, Cerritos has 3 known 100 YO (plus) residents living in Cerritos, do they have to relocate to Lakewood to be recognized as real centurions?

    Cerritos mus honor its centurions and feed the senior population with better meals.

  • Cerritos -vs- Beverly Hills says:

    Upset at the low quality Cerritos Staff has chosen to use as their ZOOM telecommunication program.

    Past 40 years Cerritos is always comparing to Beverly Hills in Irvine. Both Beverly Hills-Irvine, Newport Beach-Palos Verdes & other cities did not choose the low low version of Zoom technology, they have all implemented more advanced Zoom compared to our technology. Cerritos residents whom are the end user consumers groups, are suffering compared to the other cities which have choose higher grade of Zoom .

    Their budget are less compared to Cerritos, since council persons are working pro bono. Cerritos pays nearly to their council plus restricted benefits and in return, residents should enjoy better technology compared to this. ABCUSD is advertising STEM-STEM-STEM, which is premium technology, so why choose low end for the city consumer.?