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June 12, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News eNewspaper

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  • Hardscape-Victory Gardens says:

    Hardscape-Victory Gardens

    During and after World War II, nation invested in Victory Gardens.

    Country is starting to duplicate that era again. H&H Nursery in Lakewood California, is extremely crowded, it can take up to an hour to get into the parking lot, residents-patrons, are buying vegetables and flowers.

    Big Box stores (Home Depot and Lowe’s) have an extremely low supply of anything in their Garden sections. Not that the box stores do not want to be fully stocked, sad, wholesale Growers are sold out.

    Armstrong Nursery in greater Belmount Shore, is also experiencing epic crowds.

    Roger Gardens and Landscape, Newport Beach, are very low on inventory.

    Home Depot/Yorba Linda at Savi Ranch, has limited garden supplies as well

  • Budget 2020-2021 says:

    Cerritos City Council

    Everyone knows that not happy with the decline in our housing stock and don’t try to shame us to reverse our thinking. WHERE ARE OUR CIVIL RITES, WHEN WE HAVE KEPT UP OUR PROPERTIES FOR THE PAST (50) Yrs,?…. plus won CWP Honors? During the past decade, the city has spent at least $10M dollars in policing and we are loosing battle:

    Code enforcement.
    Judicial hearings and so forth.
    Parking permits.
    Planning Commission.
    Property preservation Commission.
    Staff/ directors, secretaries, programs.
    Street cleaning cites.

    …………… and today in 2021 we still have an increase in ugly ugly dirty homes throughout the city and the numbers only growing more . Our housing stock is being turned into rentals, and not showing pride of ownership. Rental homes must be charged a business tax, excessive fines for violations for a property maintenance issues.

    We try to walk/drive through the city of La Palma-Cypress, their housing element is not being ruined compared to city of Cerritos. Yes it’s not only Cerritos, see other cities where the housing element is also going down hill too, such as in: Downey, Garden Grove, Westminster, Stanton, Santa Ana, but why should we keep spending millions of dollars and not see any value in return..

    Compare the same tracts found in Cerritos, which are duplicated in Cypress-La Palma? Results, the same builder’s home, same circa, units in Cerritos look bad, compared to the other 2 cities. Comparing apples with apples.

    La Cuesta
    Park Side
    S & S

    We have family members who live in certain sections of: Tustin-Santa Ana-Orange-Fullerton, homes which were built in the early sixties, and they still show pride of ownership, nothing compared to the birth of ghetto homes were starting to see throughout the city of Cerritos. In my neighborhood alone, we’ve got at least three (3) ghetto homes out of 65, and that can be duplicated all throughout the city.

    During your final budget approval in June 2020, hoping that you can have a study session inorder to really turn this around, because Cerritos is a beautiful master-planned city, but if we don’t have the housing element to support it, the master plan is failing. Sales Price per Sq Ft will decrease and not increase. Shame, we have majority 4 bedroom homes, but only 3 residents per household, where other OC cities have larger families living in SFR, so what is missing from Cerritos Equation?