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June 19, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News eNewspaper

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  • Covid 19 says:

    Happy fathers day to all in Greater Dairy Valley, espc to the families which lost fathers-dads-bros to Covid19

  • Senior Plates says:

    6/19/20 | Cerritos has alot of Free Senior or Impaired Residents Dinners to be delivered | Call 211 to be hooked up to operator to place your free menus.

    Delivery staff said they have hi volume of available dinners for Seniors until Aug 10, 2020; meals are provided free of charge by our Governor program. Food for 7 days a week, so seniors can stay home and not be exposed to Covid19 in our stores. Food boxes are delivered to door step around noon daily. Transportation is free too. Dinner boxes reminds me of small KFC or Theater Box Dinners. Great for eating in the grand dining room, patio-pool side or breakfast in bed. Avail for all seniors or impaired in Cerritos and Los Angeles. Orange Co has separate program. WE ARE THRILLED AND APPRECITIVE OF THIS FREE PROGRAM, FAR SURPASSES MEALS ON WHEELS.

    Main Course





    Catsup-salad dressing, Mayo etc.

    L.A. County launches Great Plates Delivered Program

    May 14, 2020

    Visit the website for information on how to qualify to receive three meals per day or to apply to become a participating restaurant.

  • Neighborhood Watch says:

    Neighborhood Watch Grps | Double Sided Key Deadbolts | Mini Split HVAC.

    When walking during this pandemic, noticed an increase on double sided, keyed deadbolts located: front entry gate, side yard gates, also the interior garage side doors. Many of the homes came standard with a double keyed deadbolt lock on their interior garage doors, now, residents have also installed this on their Gates. Good back up-security system . Southern Calif Security Centers have this, office is located by ABCUSD central office. Double keys, create obstacles for burglars to remove stolen items from homes, as they are not able to open gates.

    If in the next decade, any Calif HO is replacing their HVAC systems, just remember, 2030, we will not be able to purchase/replace our existing HVAC systems, will have to go to the new Ductless Mini Split systems. They operate with no ducks, no units on the inside or attic and they work per temperature- remote control / in each room. Cost pennies to run these systems and many states already have these mandates in place. Mini splits cool/heat per room, not entire home, so save major electricity on the statewide grid system. Avail now for purchase in Calif. This has been talked about on many TV shows, newspaper articles and now at Lowes/home depot. Also operate from your Smart Phones.

    (All Nationwide) DMV Disable Placard- DMV Lic Plates, will never need over night parking permits for street parking in Cerritos. Does not work for Street Cleaning.