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Water Replenishment District Receives Grant To Prevent Groundwater Contamination

Lakewood (June 26, 2020) – The Water Replenishment District (WRD) has received a $844,240 grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board to remove inactive water wells from production.

This grant was made possible by California’s Proposition 1 which authorized $7.545 billion in funds for water supply infrastructure projects and was approved by voters in 2014.

The goal of the well destruction program is to eliminate the potential threat of contaminants entering an inactive well and moving into and impacting the water quality in aquifers.  These wells are primarily located in industrial areas.

By properly destroying inactive water supply wells that  have the potential to spread contamination to deeper aquifers in the Central Basin and West Coast Basin; WRD will help ensure the protection of those aquifers, which is one of the district’s key missions.

“For over 60 years, The Water Replenishment District has been responsible for managing two of the most utilized groundwater basins in the country,” said Director Vera Robles DeWitt, President of the WRD Board of Directors. “This grant will allow us to continue the vital work necessary to ensure safe and clean groundwater resources.”

Groundwater provides 50% of the water used in Southern Los Angeles County and WRD is the only dedicated groundwater replenishment district in California. The district’s projects and programs ensure over 4 million residents have access to groundwater resources.

“WRD has a proven track record of being responsible stewards of public funds,” said Director Rob Katherman, WRD Board Treasurer. “Through partnerships with regulatory agencies like the State Water Resources Control Board, WRD can continue working on water projects that protect our groundwater aquifers and increase our resiliency.”



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