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July 3, 2020 Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News eNewspaper 🗞

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  • La Palma -vs-Cerritos says:

    La Palma is sold out of housing inventory, highest sales price: $1M

    Cerritos still have few doz left. La Palma housing stock looks better compared to Cerritos, plus Oxford HS has better rating compared to Whitney HS. La Palma does not overnight parking and lower crime rates compared to Cerritos. LP sidewalks are hard to walk on, with the driveway apron cutouts and the water meter boxes constructed in to the curbside sidewalks. LP homes have not removed back yard swimming pools compared to Cerritos, so the properties in Cerritos, which have swimming pools removed, will never be able to add on to the rear of the homes, to prevent sink holes from appearing.

    Low interest rates, plus since March, many residents have saved money by working remotely at home and staying home during the quarantine..

  • Metro PCS says:

    Metro PCS is down: Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. Metro was purchased by T Mobile.
    July 3, 2020

  • Fireworks says:

    Fourth of July night, Cerritos residents could see a lot of aerial fireworks coming from the Knotts Berry Farm- Fullerton area, does anybody know exactly where they were coming from? THEY WERE EXCELLENT, LAST FEW HRS!!!

    Also around 10 p.m. that evening, we could see a lot of fireworks from Los Alamitos Hawaiian Gardens plus Lakewood, since this was not city-sponsored, does anybody know where they area fireworks for coming from?

    Cerritos streetscape sure was dead, guess the Chinese residents do not celebrate New Years with foods and fireworks.