Last month, we announced we would deliver the vast majority of our Fall classes online, with only 10-20 percent of instruction held in-person or in a hybrid modality, due to the progression of COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County, and we encouraged students to study from home in the fall semester. When we made that announcement, we expected that we would receive permission from state and county health officials to open in that manner. Unfortunately, with the start of classes less than two weeks away on August 17, we do not yet have clearance from the state or county to move forward with classroom instruction. Given the delay in receiving the required permission, we have made the difficult decision to begin the Fall semester with fully remote instruction with limited exceptions for clinical education.
Over the past few months, we have retrofitted our campus and put numerous safety protocols in place for the return of our students. As soon as public health regulations allow, we will be ready to pivot quickly to select in-person and hybrid instruction and other on-campus activities.
Those of you who are currently registered for in-person or hybrid classes will receive an update from your school or academic unit shortly.
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