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Downtown Downey is Now the District @ Downey, Launches Social Media Campaign

Staff Report

Downtown Community Benefit District Downey has hired Zapwater Communications to kick off a new social media campaign to bolster a new website and social media channels in support of the association’s recently developed ‘District @ Downey’. The website, www.thedistrictatdowney.com, along with the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter went live August 25th.

District @ Downey, a name intended to convey the downtown commercial district of the city of Downey, was created by Downtown Downey property owners to introduce the immediate and surrounding communities to the reinvention of Downtown Downey’s pedestrian-friendly shopping and dining.

The Downtown Downey Community Benefit District, managed by the Downtown Downey Improvement Association [DDIA] and New City America, is a public non-profit corporation. New City America is the premier California-based company for Community Business District and Business Improvement District formation, having just completed its 88th district nationwide this past June. New City America also manages six districts statewide, including Downtown Downey, Little

The New City America staff and the Board are working closely to grow Downtown Downey vertically and ensure its survival through these difficult times. In a press released by Kody Kantor of Zapwater Communications, Jorge Villa, President of DDIA stated “As longtime residents and business operators in Downtown Downey, the members of the Downtown Community Benefit District came together to identify ways in which we can enhance our community, build upon its successes and communicate its appeal to all Southern California.”

The District @ Downey website includes a directory of all businesses in the district categorized by Shopping, commercial stores and services; Eatery’s, restaurants, bars, cafes and Live, theaters, salons, and hotels. The website also features a description of the District @ Downey and information about the DDIA organization, its members and links to local and regional COVID 19 updates including news on events and activities.