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Artesia Mayor Ali Sajjad Taj Elected League of California Cities Second Vice President

artesia mayor ali taj


Sacramento — The League of California Cities Board of Directors elected Artesia Mayor Ali Sajjad Taj to serve as the organization’s 2020-21 second vice president. Taj was installed on Oct. 9 as part of the League’s virtual Annual Conference & Expo.  

 “I am honored to join the League of California Cities esteemed leadership team,” said Mayor Taj. “I look forward to working collaboratively alongside the League officers, board of directors, membership, and League staff to help shape the resources the League provides to city leaders who are committed to serving their communities.”

 Taj was first elected to the Artesia City Council in December 2013, served as mayor December 2016-17, and currently serves as mayor for the 2019-20 term. Throughout his tenure on the city council, Taj has focused his time and energy on improving day-to-day quality of life issues for Artesia residents by supporting improved lighting, street quality, and traffic safety, while being an advocate for bringing new businesses to the city, both to generate revenue for city services and to provide new amenities for residents.

 Taj has been in the financial services industry for two decades, and held several key leadership positions including district manager, regional manager, managing principal, and vice president of multinational firms like American Express, Ameriprise Financial, Weddell & Reed, and T.D. Ameritrade.

 Taj currently serves on several internal and external committees representing Artesia as a member of many regional boards and committees, including as board member and membership committee chair for California Contract Cities Association, and as vice chair for the Eco-Rapid Transit Orange Line Development Authority of Los Angeles County.

 He has been actively involved with the League of California Cities for many years, and serves on the League of California Cities Asian Pacific Islander Caucus board, as well as the League Public Safety Policy Committee, and Finance Committee.

 “Ali has been a valued and insightful member of the League for many years, and I’m pleased to welcome him to the League’s leadership,” said League of California Cities Executive Director Carolyn Coleman. “Ali brings a commitment to public service and belief in the power of city officials to make their communities stronger through effective policymaking. I’m thrilled to have his expertise and perspective as we advocate for California cities.”

 The League Board of Directors also elected El Centro Council Member Cheryl Viegas Walker to serve as president and Walnut Creek Council Member Cindy Silva as first vice president. Yountville Mayor John F. Dunbar, who served as president in 2019-20, became immediate past president.

 Founded in 1898, the League of California Cities is an association of California city officials who work together to enhance their knowledge and skills, exchange information, and combine resources so that they may influence policy decisions that affect cities. The League’s mission is to restore and protect local control for cities through education and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for all Californians.


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