BY BRIAN HEWS • November 13, 2020
Dallas Fowler, the self-proclaimed media professional and consultant, has sent a threatening letter to the Central Basin Board and spoke during public comment at a CB committee meeting yesterday demanding payment for work Fowler claims she did in regards to SB 625.
SB 625 was a bill sponsored by Asm. Cristina Garcia that would have placed CB in receivership without a financial audit; an audit that would have found $1.5 million in hidden revenues and $700,000 in overstated expenses.
The letter confirmed that CB Directors Leticia Vasquez, who threatened HMG-CN with a lawsuit over the first HMG-CN story covering Fowler’s claims, and Director Martha Camacho-Rodriguez, were both involved with Fowler.
In her letter Fowler wrote, “I had a verbal agreement with Central Basin directors and the general manager to perform emergency services for SB625. I was contacted by CB Directors Vasquez and Camacho-Rodriguez and (former CB GM) Panilla who told me I would be compensated later.”
Last week HMG-CN exclusively reported about Fowler using the names of Vasquez and Camacho-Rodriguez’ as an entry to submit $21,000 in consulting fees to CB GM Alex Rojas.
The submittal was highly questionable, and invoked memories of Ron and Ton Calderon and former disgraced CB GM Art Aguilar; the invoice submitted was not approved by a board majority nor is there a signed contract.
In an email to Rojas Fowler wrote, “I’m Dallas Fowler, I was referred to you by Directors Vasquez-Wilson and Camacho-Rodriguez to submit my invoices for work performed.”
Email to CB GM Alex from Dallas Fowler citing Vazquez and Camacho-Rodriguez.
Rojas asked for a contract and received an unsigned document, with Fowler telling Rojas, “it was a labor of love.”
Fowler claimed she performed public relations, “creating press releases, press kits, social media videos, and spreading that information to local and national media outlets.”
HMG-CN, who’s coverage of CB is unparalleled and who published several articles related to SB 625, was not contacted and did not receive any correspondence from Ms. Fowler.
2UrbanGirls also questioned Ms. Fowler’s sudden interest in SB 625 given that her only work on the project were a few social media posts and a mass email sent to Sen. Steve Bradford.
In addition, at least three CB officials, VP Art Chacon, and Directors Phil Hawkins and Bob Apodaca, have never heard of Fowler.
Finally, HMG-CN confirmed with State Senator Bob Archuleta’s (D-Norwalk) staff that, similar to the CB officials, no one at Archuleta’s office had met nor heard of Fowler. Archuleta led the fight to defeat SB 625.
Fowler continued, “I shall not suffer further damages, it was made clear to me that I would be compensated for my services included in this email and the attached supporting documentation.
She then leveled allegations of discrimination, “please see the attached supporting documentation, I am hopeful that we can resolve this I am sure it is not the intent and practice of Central Basin to discriminate against minority women business enterprises.”
The supporting documentation that Fowler included, with Fowler claiming she worked 245 hours, was barely five pages, much of which could be found in articles published by HMG-CN and other news outlets.
In fact Fowler included a link to one of the stories on HMG’s website in her supporting documentation.
In one page, Fowler gave out a script for constituents to use when calling area officials involved with SB 625, the first sentence stated “please remember your comment must be short and no moe [sic] that 2-3 sentences.tmin [sic].
The script with two grammar errors.
HMG-CN sent several questions to Fowler related to the contract, she ignored the questions and responded with an incoherent statement, “Thank you for these emails. You have made it clear to me that you are in fact a part of this criminal enterprise. Which is why you were not included in our initial engagement.”
HMG-CN included Director Chacon in the emails who wrote, “You mean the criminal enterprise that requires five board members to approve a contract and refuses to pay for unapproved and unsigned contracts?”
The business Fowler claims to run is itself very questionable. Her website’s first page,, has a picture of her and a “Keep in Touch” button.
Clicking on the keep in touch button goes to an error page and no other pages exist on the site, Fowler has since fixed the page.
The error page on Fowler’s site dated Nov. 6, 2020. Fowler has since fixed the page.
On her LinkedIn account, Fowler claims she is a principal of a company called Daltek Global with a website of
Similar to her site, the site’s is very questionable.
Touting herself as a public relations and media professional, Daltek’s Media page has not been updated with articles since March 2012.
All links on the right side of the Media page when clicked on land on an error page.
In addition, only three other pages exist; a very plain Home page, an About Us page with two paragraphs of content, and a Contact Us page.
In another troubling sign, a check on the California Secretary of State’s website shows Daltek is suspended by California’s Franchise Tax Board and has not filed the required Statement of Information since 2017.
Reasons for suspension include failure to file proper paperwork and paying the $800 annual filing fee, to failure to pay taxes.
Screenshot from California SOS’s website showing Fowler’s company FTB suspended.
And Fowler knows political operative Jasmyne Cannick who was involved in a similar contract situation with CB back in 2013.
Shortly after her first election in 2013, Vasquez gave out questionable contracts to her friend Jasmyne Cannick and Maurice Chenier, who was a partner with her now-husband Ron Wilson.
Jasmyne Cannick (3rd from left) with her arm around Fowler. Cannick is very good friends with Director Vasquez, who back in 2013, after winning a seat on Central Basin, handed out a questionable $9,000 contract to Cannick.
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