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How the Pandemic Has Changed the University Admission Process in the USA

STAFF REPORT • April 2, 2021


The world has significantly changed for the last time due to the complicated epidemiological situation. Many life spheres have undergone transformations in one way or another, and the educational sector hasn’t become an exception. And while an admission process has always been a challenge, today, the situation has drastically changed. Modern students have to adjust to new circumstances to stay on track and keep on studying in new realities. It is not enough to examine my assignment help reviews and find a reliable writing service since you still have a lot of work ahead to become a university student. Thus, what young people and their relatives should know about the modified admissions they will face this year?

General changes in the university-admission process

Several years ago, when the world knew nothing about COVID-19, admission officers considered applicants’ grades, unified test results, essays, and credentials. However, the pandemic has changed the “game rules” since GPA became complicated and most extracurricular activities were canceled. Besides, young people were deprived of an opportunity to get some practical experience in the chosen subjects and take the usual tests. Thus, many academic institutions have stopped requiring students to submit SAT or ACT scores.

Top-rated universities (both state and private) faced a staggering rise in the number of applicants. For instance, Harvard University got about 60,000 applications from potential freshmen for the next academic year, which is 43% more than the previous year. Meanwhile, some Ivy League schools decided to postpone the announcement of admission results because they were littered with applications. Thus, most students have decided to get the best out of the situation and try their luck in the dream universities. They know that they can cope with any curriculum since the modern world provides them with great writing helpers. If you haven’t found one yet, it is worth studying domyhomework123 reviews. It can become your magic wand when you understand that you can fail your deadlines.

Increased emphasis on volunteer work

Since standardized testing has been canceled along with enrichment classes, students have faced the need to look for other ways to stand out from the rest and impress university officials. Thus, many students have focused on volunteer work and tried to think outside the box. The pandemic has influenced many life spheres, so there is a lot of work to do everywhere. Many students have offered their services to their communities that try to deal with the pandemic consequences. University admission officers can see how students interact with others and what they are capable of in real life and under such complicated circumstances.

It has become easier to get admitted to university this year

The statistics show that the number of applications increased by 11,5% throughout the country until March 1, while the number of applicants increased only by 2%. It means that students decided to send out more applications and use the current situation to their advantage as much as they can.

In turn, university administrators cannot be sure that all students will decide to enroll, so they accept an increased number of students not to be back at the bottom of the ladder. Thus, current first-year students have more chances to get in than ever since most universities have decided to broaden the class sizes up to 10%.

Some universities have decided to extend the application period for people who faced financial issues due to the pandemic.

Last year deferrals don’t appear to affect admissions too much

Many university officials claimed that deferrals from the past semester were insignificant, so they wouldn’t affect the number of enrolled students for the upcoming academic year. Even though the number of deferrals in the University of Michigan is five times higher compared to the data in 2019, it will not affect this year’s admissions as well.

Waitlisted students have higher chances of getting admitted

They expect that university waitlists will be extended this year. And while usually, students have low chances to get out of a waitlist and enroll in the desired university, they seem to be luckier this year. Since academic institutions are uncertain about the exact number of students who will enroll, they are more likely to move applicants up through the waitlists. Even though the situation will hardly be dramatically different, some students may get a successful lottery ticket.

Fewer students enroll in societal academic institutions

In most cases, societal academic institutions are attended by students of color and representatives of low social strata. Last year, the number of applicants reduced by 19%, and this year first-year enrollment dropped to 27% among Black and Hispanic students. It is connected with the deterioration in the country’s financial situation and the increased number of people who live below the poverty line. Most students cannot afford to attend colleges since they have to provide their families with living.


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