
LA County to Develop Zero Emission Infrastructure Plan

County will map out current electric
vehicle charging stations and create a
plan to fill the gaps, especially
in disadvantaged communities.

San Pedro, CA—Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by Supervisors Janice Hahn and Sheila Kuehl to create an LA County Zero Emission Infrastructure Plan. The plan will identify gaps in the County’s current electric vehicle charging infrastructure and create a strategy to close them, especially in the County’s low-income areas.

“It is not surprising that the vast majority of the electric vehicles in LA County and the charging stations they depend on are in high-income neighborhoods,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “But if we are serious about getting more electric vehicles on the road, we need to dramatically expand our charging station infrastructure and make these cars practical for every driver, no matter where they live or where they work.”

“This is a terrific time to put our pedal to the metal,” said Supervisor Sheila Kuehl. “GM is ending its manufacture of gas-powered cars; The President is investing in electric vehicle charging stations; The Governor’s plan wants all new cars to be zero emission. It’s time for LA County to build a Zero Emission Infrastructure Plan to meet our ambitious goals of installing 60,000 zero emission charging stations in the next four years as called for in the County’s Sustainability Plan. This motion makes sure that we can meet that goal.”

The LA County Sustainability Plan set the goal of installing 60,000 new zero-emission vehicle charging stations by 2025, 70,000 by 2035 and achieving 100% of all new light-duty private vehicles are zero emission vehicles by 2045. According to the California Energy Commission, there are less than 20,000 public and shared-private chargers in LA County today. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have committed to transitioning terminal equipment to zero emissions by 2030 and on-road trucks by 2035.

The motion being voted on tomorrow would direct the development of the County’s first Zero Emission Infrastructure Plan. The plan, which is due back to the board in 120 days, would include:

  • an analysis of current charging stations across the County, not limited to county property;
  • a list of possible locations including county facilities, housing developments, county road right-of-way, parks, libraries, etc. where infrastructure can be placed, including county-owned lands along the I-710 corridor that can be used for the charging of medium and heavy duty vehicles;
  • Ways to partner with private, government and non-governmental entities in low-income communities to ensure equitable access to infrastructure and address issues of EV adoption disparity;
  • Possible funding strategies for the installation, operations, and maintenance of electric vehicle equipment;
  • A plan to provide technical assistance to cities to support streamlining of codes for electric vehicle charging equipment using the County’s code as a model;
  • A partnership with the Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services, California Conservation Corp/LA Conservation Corp and other apprenticeship organizations to create green job workforce training opportunities for future electric vehicle infrastructure installations and maintenance.

The motion also would direct LA County’s legislative advocates to support any proposals that provide resources and funding for electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure in Los Angeles County.