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LAUSD to open for in-person learning 5 days a week, with option to continue remote learning

The Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest school district in the country, plans to fully reopen for in-person learning in the fall.

Superintendent Austin Beutner made the announcement during a briefing Monday morning in which he outlined what the upcoming school year will look like.

“While we are looking forward to welcoming all students back to schools in August, for students who are unable or choose not to participate at schools for in-person instruction, an online option must remain in place for the next school year,” he said.

When students return, they will be on campus five days a week for a full day of instruction. Middle school and high school students will change classrooms for each class period, which hasn’t been done in L.A. since March 2020.

fter school programs for both elementary and secondary students will be available from the end of the school day until 6 p.m.

Beutner added that he expects students and staff will continue to wear masks until more children have been vaccinated.

But August is still three months away and we can’t predict exactly what standards health authorities will tell us are appropriate at that time,” he said.

Schools where more than 30% of students are vaccinated against COVID-19 will each receive $5,000 for projects on those campuses and “students can decide how the money is used,” Beutner said.

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