Dr. Craig Smith: Confessions of a Political Speech Writer
STAFF REPORT • August 28, 2021
Long Beach, CA (August 27, 2021) – Presidents go down in history for immortal words uttered during speeches – but who writes those words? Often, it’s speechwriters who take the president’s vision and translate it into phrases that become part of America’s lexicon. The community is invited to attend the Saturday, September 11, 2021, Long Beach Republican Women Federated breakfast meeting to hear Dr. Craig Smith, former speech writer for President George H. W. Bush and author of the book Confessions of a Political Speech Writer. Dr. Smith and Peggy Noonan penned the well-known phrase “thousand points of light.”
Conveniently held at The Grand in Long Beach (4101 E. Willow Street), the morning meeting includes information critical to Republicans who want to Keep America Great. Registration starts at 9 a.m. with a scrumptious breakfast served at 9:30 a.m. The cost is just $30 for members and $35 for non-members and there is free parking and the delicious plated breakfast.
Smith remains a sought-after speechwriter, having written speeches for Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush and Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca, among many high-profile people in and out of politics. During the early years of his career Smith struggled keeping his being gay separate from his professional life. He is president and founder of the Freedom of Expression Foundation and has become a leading player on First Amendment issues in the nation’s capital.
In addition to Dr. Smith’s informative presentation, the breakfast meeting offers like-minded women and men an opportunity to learn more about Republican Women Federated and how they can be part of America’s largest grassroots organization. For information and reservations:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 562-760-1556
Web: http://www.longbeachrepublicanwomen.com/calendar.html
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