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2,133 New Positive Cases and 55 New Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Los Angeles County 

February 15, 2022

LA County will enter into a post-surge period tomorrow as daily COVID hospitalizations remain below 2500 for the seventh consecutive day.  A modified LA County Health Officer Order will be posted today and effective at 12:01 am on 2/16/2022 recommending, but no longer requiring, outdoor masking at outdoor mega events and outdoor spaces at TK-12 schools and childcare sites.

Public Health is also launching additional post-surge strategies for COVID-19 case investigations, including a new text messaging option that provides information for people who have tested positive and allows these individuals to complete their case interview on-line. 

Residents who test positive will receive an initial text message from DPH with easy-to-follow instructions for isolation and links for additional information, including a link requesting they complete an online case interview survey. Residents can complete the survey at their own pace over the next 8 days.

Public Health will continue to maintain a call center for residents who test positive where they can receive information and support. Residents can call 833-540-0473 seven days a week from 8am – 8:30pm. Residents will also receive additional information at testing sites about what to do if they do test positive. 

As we prepare for the Rams Super Bowl victory parade tomorrow, Public Health reminds residents to layer in appropriate safety precautions, particularly for those unvaccinated and those with underlying health conditions. Wearing a mask, while not required, is strongly recommended for anyone who will be in crowded places were distancing is not possible.  And with all the super bowl related activities this past week, residents who attended crowded events where many were unmasked, may have been exposed to COVID and should consider getting tested; this is especially important for anyone who is experiencing illness symptoms. Rapid tests, including over the counter (OTC) self-tests, provide a result in 15-30 minutes. Residents can  find a testing site in LA County at https://covid19.lacounty.gov/testing/.

“To the many families who have lost a family member or friend to COVID-19, we wish you peace, comfort and courage as you mourn the loss of your loved ones,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “To the many residents who watched the Super Bowl this past weekend at SoFi stadium, with friends and family at your home, or at a local bar or restaurant, please get tested if you were in crowded places where many were unmasked. This is particularly important for anyone experiencing illness symptoms. We would like to avoid the increases in cases that have sometimes occurred following large sporting events. For those celebrating at the Rams Super Bowl victory parade tomorrow, being cautious still makes sense so please continue to wear masks if in close contact with many others. ”

Today, Public Health confirmed 55 additional deaths and 2,133 new cases of COVID-19. Of the 55 new deaths reported today, three people were between the ages of 30-49, 10 were between the ages of 50-64, 20 were between the ages of 65-79, and 18 were aged 80 years or older. Of the 55 newly reported deaths, 42 had underlying health conditions. Information on the one death reported by the City of Long Beach and three reported by the City of Pasadena is available at www.LongBeach.gov and www.CityofPasadena.net  To date, the total number of deaths in L.A. County is 29,980.

Public Health has reported a total of 2,766,161 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County. Today’s positivity rate is 3.2%.

There are 1,995 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized. Testing results are available for more than 11,292,800 individuals, with 22% of people testing positive

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