
Supervisor Hahn Appoints Cerritos’ Ricardo Mota to the Policy Roundtable for Child Care and Development


April 15, 2022~Los Angeles, CA — Today LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn appointed Cerritos resident Ricardo Mota to serve on the County’s Policy Roundtable for Child Care and Development, the 24-member body tasked with advising the Board of Supervisors on policy, systems, and infrastructure improvements for early care and education.

“As a leader and advocate for our communities, I am honored to be given the opportunity to improve access to quality childcare to families in Los Angeles County,” said Ricardo.

In 1994, Ricardo began his career with the Human Services Association, a non-profit care provider. He was appointed its Chief Executive Officer last summer. During his time with HSA, Ricardo has worked to strengthen the overall financial health of an organization that provides critical services to families across the County. He holds degrees from University of California, Los Angeles and California State University, Long Beach.

“Robust networks of care for LA County’s children are a top priority for me and for my colleagues on the Board,” said Supervisor Hahn. “Ricardo’s commitment to the wellbeing of families and children has been clear throughout his long career in the field. I’m glad to have him share his expertise with us.”

The Policy Roundtable for Child Care and Development brings together community leaders in the fields of early childhood, education, business, economics and research and County departments representing child welfare, mental health, probation, public health, and parks and recreation.