Mayor Erik Lutz
PICO RIVERA, CA. DECEMBER 14, 2022 – -The City of Pico Rivera city council reorganized its makeup and leadership last night as Erik Lutz became the new Mayor and Andrew C. Lara became Mayor Pro Tem. Both will serve their terms until December 2023. This is the first time each has had an opportunity to serve in the city council leadership positions.
Mayor Pro Tem Andrew Lara
“I would like to thank my fellow councilmembers for instilling their trust and confidence in me as I take on my new role as Mayor of the City of Pico Rivera,” said Mayor Lutz. “As I assume my new role, I am committed to addressing the issues most important to the residents of this great city as well as the challenges and responsibilities this office and public service bring. I look forward to working with each of my colleagues and our incredible staff for the betterment of the city and its residents. Given the current economic climate, there is certainly a lot of work to be done.”
Mayor Lutz also indicated his priorities for this next year will be continuing the City’s commitment to complete a variety of infrastructure projects, including the Smith Park Pool, the Dog Park, Water Treatment improvements, and roads, just to name a few. As the new year begins, he’s excited and greatly anticipates working with his colleagues to enhance public safety services, address homelessness concerns and ensure ongoing fiscal stability.
Mayor Lutz steps into his new role as the City is basking in a recent round of high-profile successes including a balanced budget, a ranking as one of the state’s lowest-risk cities, a budgeted pay raise for employees, the opening of a veterans resource center, and securing several significant grants for the city.
“I am humbled and honored to serve in my new role on the city council,” said Mayor Pro Tem Andrew Lara. “I continue to look forward to working with our stellar staff who have worked hard at providing quality programs and services for our residents. My previous experience as a councilmember should serve me well as I roll up my sleeves and work with Mayor Lutz and my council colleagues to address to most pertinent issues facing our great city.”
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