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Pico Rivera’s Smith Park Pool to be Completely Renovated

OPENING 2025: The renovation will include a zero-depth entry point pool, a seamless entry into the pool for small children and the community’s seniors. Also, work will include the replacement of the entire pool casing, the replacement of the deck, pool furnishings and equipment, and the installation of two 25-meter pools, one recreation and one competition.

April 14, 2023

By Brian Hews

On April 5, 2023, Janice Hahn, Chair of the Los Angeles County Board Supervisors, allocated $10 million to fund the renovation of the Smith Park Pool in Pico Rivera. 

The Smith Park Olympic-size pool, which currently measures 50 meters by 25 yards and hosted Olympic swimmers training for the 1984 Olympic Summer Games, has offered a multitude of programs and services for the Pico Rivera community throughout the years.  

Smith Park is located next to two high schools, an elementary school, and a senior center. Its Aquatic Center was constructed in 1981; since then, it has served over 10,000 patrons annually until its closure during the pandemic.

Now Pico Rivera officials are moving fast to renovate the pool. The renovation will include the replacement of the entire pool casing, the replacement of the deck, pool furnishings and equipment, heaters/boilers, and a new chemical room, storage area, pool building, lighting, and security enclosure fencing. Hahn’s $10 million contribution from the County represents the largest single source of funds for the Center’s renovation.

 On August 23, 2022, the city entered into an agreement with Dahlin Group, Inc. to provide Architect/Engineer services related to the Smith Park Aquatic Center Renovation Project. The agreement was subdivided into nine tasks, with $359,000 tagged for Tasks 1-3, with an amount for Tasks 4-9 to be approved by the City Council at a future date.

Tasks 1-3 included conceptual design studies and provided three options with budgets which were developed together with input from City Staff, the Community, City Boards and Commissions, and City Council.

 At its April 11, 2023 meeting, the Pico Rivera City Council approved an amendment to the Dahlin agreement to complete Tasks 4-9, including final architectural and engineering plans, specifications, and estimates for public bidding of the project, allocating $2.6 million to complete the tasks.  Included in the staff report were the proposed design concepts broken into two phases. Phase 1 consists of the pool, which will have, among other things, a zero-depth entry point pool, a seamless entry into the pool for small children and the seniors of the community, one 25-meter competition pool and a 25-meter recreation pool.

NEW POOL AND COMMUNITY CENTER: (top) artist’s rendition of the new Smith Park Aquatic Center, a sprawling complex to be completed in the summer of 2025.  Amenities will include two 25 meter pools, zero-entry pool for kids and seniors, diving board at the appropriate pool depth; stadium seating for parents and others to use during events and competitions, as well as family-friendly seating areas for casual use and a small water-park type recreation area (above) for families

 Other amenities will include a diving board at the appropriate pool depth; stadium seating for parents and others to use during events and competitions, as well as family-friendly seating areas for casual use; new fencing and security for the pool enclosure, with efficient lighting and camera monitoring system and new chemical, heating, and pumping systems.

 Phase 2 will involve restrooms and showers, including eight showers for men and women.

According to city officials, the bidding will commence May 13, 2024 with an estimated start of construction by July 8th, 2024 and project completion by the summer of 2025.

“The opening of the new Smith Park Aquatic Center will soon be celebrated by all who plan to use the much improved and upgraded facility,” said Pico Rivera Councilmember Gustavo Camacho. “The much-anticipated reopening of the new facility is coming to fruition because of the generous $10 million contribution toward the renovation of the pool facility from Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn. Her continued support of the City of Pico Rivera is to be commended and celebrated by all the residents, families, and city council of our great city. I can assure our youth and families that they can look forward to participating in a variety of fun and outstanding water exercise and recreational programs and activities in the summer of 2025.

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