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Cerritos Councilman Chuong Vo’s Appointee Lied on ABCUSD Board Vacancy Application

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Some on the ABC Board, under the tenure of Brad Beach, are trying to move the board to the far right and cater to the anti LGBTQ, CRT crowd; and they tried to install another ally using a fake address. Vo is a very good friend of Beach.


July 18, 2023

By Brian Hews

A few weeks ago, Dr. Chris Apodaca resigned from his ABCUSD District 7 position citing family reasons and setting off the process of the ABC Board appointing an area resident to the vacant seat.

One of the requirements dictated that the applicant must live in Hawaiian Gardens.

Several people applied including eventual appointee Francisco Noyola, along with former Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Mike Gomez, Luis Rodriguez, and a candidate named Sean Wang.

Documents obtained by Los Cerritos Community News, signed under penalty of perjury, show Wang indicating that he lived at 22401 Ibex Ave.  a very unkempt and run-down tiny two bedroom one bath home in Hawaiian Gardens owned by a couple not named Wang.

Wang also checked a box saying he was a resident of Hawaiian Gardens.


THERE IN BLACK AND WHITE: The ABC Unified School District Application to Fill Board of Education Agency filled out by Cerritos Councilman Chong Vo’s LFR Committee appointee Sean Wang showing a reported address in Hawaiian Gardens; Wang also checked the box that he was a resident of Trustee Area Seven. To be on the LFR Committee Wang must be a Cerritos resident.


Yet a check of Cerritos’ website shows Wang is on the city’s Let Freedom Ring Committee, appointed by Cerritos Councilman Chuong Vo a BFF of Brad Beach; Wang also proudly proclaims he lives in Cerritos and is on the LFR Committee.


Cerritos website showing Wang as a member of the Let Freedom Ring Committee appointed by Cerritos Councilman Chuong Vo. A person must be a resident of Cerritos be on the committee.


In order to be on any committee in Cerritos, a person must be a Cerritos resident, yet Wang filled out his ABCUSD application under penalty of perjury saying he was from Hawaiian Gardens.

Four days prior to the July 1, 2023 ABCUSD special meeting to appoint a candidate, LCCN obtained the names of the ABCUSD applicants and published an article online June 29, 2023 followed by the article appearing in the print publication on Friday June 30.

Chuong Vo with Wang at his swearing in event to LFR Committee.

Councilman Vo must have read the article online, on Thursday Wang withdrew his name from candidacy, but the damage was done.

Councilman Vo apparently read the article online, on Thursday Wang withdrew his name from candidacy, but the damage was done. And Vo tried to cover it up.

Texts into Cerritos City Councilman Chong Vo asking if he knew of Wang’s application went unreturned; Vo would not answer if he would ask Wang to resign from the LFR Committee. Texts into Wang went unreturned.

Councilman Frank Yokoyama told LCCN, “I wanted to inquire about the discrepancy in Sean Wang’s residency during Monday’s City Council meeting, but for some reason, Mayor Barrows Bruce refused to let me inquire about this discrepancy.”

Vo is also good friends with Barrows….

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