August 4, 2023
By Brian Hews
A frivolous 200-page motion for a preliminary injunction filed by Central Basin Director Leticia Vasquez, using her husband “Sweet James” Ron Wilson as her free lawyer, was primarily denied by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Holly J. Fujie yesterday, handing the divisive director a defeat while Fujie confirmed what Vasquez could do all along without prohibition, speak at a board meeting.
Vasquez filed the injunction requesting that the court issue an order to stop CB from prohibiting Vasquez from speaking during the public comment portion of CB’s monthly public meetings.
The motion included a 139-page sworn declaration by Vasquez that included several apparent misrepresentations that Fujie relied on.
Vasquez alleged, under oath, that CB GM Alex Rojas “hired two armed guards to attend CB Board and committee meetings to threaten and/or eject anyone who attempts to speak about the felony complaint filed against Rojas.”
“The security company that we hired was the same security company we had at our old building in Commerce that we sold; we just renewed the contract when we started meeting in Whittier, Rojas told LCCN. “They actually left Central Basin because of Vasquez’ harassment.”
Vasquez also stated under oath that Rojas “implemented a policy preventing board members from speaking during the public comment segment of board meetings; before directors were allowed to speak.”
“We were simply enforcing the Brown Act,” stated Rojas. “Everyone is allowed to speak; the Act limits what board members can say, that was noted by the judge in her ruling.”
Vasquez also stated that she was prohibited from attending committee meetings as an observer. According to CB this is not true; non-members must wait outside of the committee meeting until it begins.
CB certainly had good reason to exclude Vasquez….. but did not; several sources have told LCCN that when Vasquez does attend the committee meetings she is very disruptive, sometimes yelling at the committee members, lawyers, and staff from the audience.
After considering the motion, Fujie denied Vasquez’ assertion that she could “transform” from a board member to a general public member during a board meeting and speak from the podium
Fujie confirmed what CB attorneys told Vasquez and her husband several times; that action was a Brown Act Violation.
“The Brown Act draws an inherent distinction between members of a legislative body and members of the general public,” Fujie wrote.
Fujie denied another part of the motion, confirming once again what CB attorneys told Vasquez several times, that Vasquez cannot disrupt committee meetings and yell from the audience.
Fujie did grant the last part of the injunction, that Vasquez can speak from behind the dais during a board meeting, but that was something she and other board members were always allowed to do.
CB officials have told LCCN that since returning to in-person meetings, no other director has participated in public comment as a member of the general public other than Vasquez; all other directors have listened to the comments and moved on with the agenda.
“This is another in a long line of frivolous lawsuits filed by Director Vasquez that has cost this agency over a million dollars in legal fees and employee costs,” said Central Basin Board President Arturo “Art” Chacon. “Because of Director Vasquez and Director Camacho, our agency recently paid $1.25 million to settle a lawsuit where the employees documented harassment and intimidation by Vasquez and Camacho. Despite these actions by Vasquez, her husband, Ron Wilson, and Camacho, we have turned this agency around. We are all pulling in tandem and in the same direction, with the exception of Vasquez and Camacho. In three years, we have stabilized our business operations, achieved a four-notch credit rate upgrade from “junk” to investment grade rating, built up reserves to $13 million, lowered rates for imported Metropolitan Water District water, and reestablished working relationships with our purveyors. We are leading the region and the state with a climate change strategy to increase the use of recycled water, which will preserve more drinking water in the Central Basin and lower demand for Colorado water.”
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