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Bellflower Powers Up New Messaging Board Welcoming Community to Downtown

The new Gateway Sign is now up and operating, and Bellflower is happy to welcome all residents and visitors to Downtown. This is a wonderful addition to a busy intersection. Attending the opening are, from left to right: Council Member Sonny R. Santa Ines, Mayor Pro Tem Ray Dunton, Mayor Dan Koops, Council Member Victor Sanchez, Council Member Wendi Morse. To their left is “Journey to Market,” a bronze sculpture relocated from the city’s Pacific Electric Depot.

August 29, 2024

Bellflower, CA — The City of Bellflower is proud to unveil the newest addition to Downtown Bellflower – the Downtown Entry way signage and public art installation at the southwest corner of Bellflower Boulevard and Alondra Boulevard that will welcome residents into the City’s downtown core.  The 15-foot vertical sign, partially funded through sponsorship by ALDI Grocery Store, features a sleek bellflower design, the grocer’s logo, and a new programmable LED messaging board that can be used to display public service announcements and community event information to keep residents up to date about the community.

The new entryway also includes the installation of a bronze sculpture, “Journey to Market,” which was relocated to the site. Originally commissioned for the City’s Pacific Electric Depot, the sculpture depicts a man and a young boy sitting on a handcart filled with luggage and boxes and is reminiscent of the City’s early years. The artwork, created by artist Dee Clements in 2010, reflects the historical use of such carts at rail stations in the early 1900s and features items grown and produced in Bellflower, such as Bellefleur apples. The structure was temporarily removed during the construction of The Mayne Events Center.

“This project continues Bellflower’s commitment to the arts, and sets a distinctive entry for Bellflower’s Downtown core,” said Mayor Dan Koops. “The electronic sign welcomes pedestrians and drivers to Downtown Bellflower day and night, while also providing a valuable tool to help us connect with our residents and visitors.

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