November 1, 2024
By Brian Hews
A takeover attempt of the Central Basin Board will occur today at 1 pm during an illegally-called special meeting when newly appointed Directors Nem Ochoa, who is GM of Golden State Water and Vernon Public Works employee Joanna Moreno, will vote, along with Directors Juan Garza and Martha Camacho-Rodriguez, to remove Art Chacon as president and install a new president.
The calling of the special meeting violates Government Code 54956 and Central Basin’s Administrative Code, but apparently, that does not matter to the four directors, three of whom are appointed with two- Garza and Camacho-Rodriguez- running for re-election next Tuesday.
And it could be pay-to-play for Ochoa, sources are telling LCCN, that Ochoa has been promised current director Jim Crawford’s seat on the Metropolitan Water Board in exchange for his illegal vote.
In addition, Ms. Moreno is in her CB Director seat temporarily, terming out in February 2025.
Golden State Water GM Nem Ochoa and Vernon Engineer Joanna Moreno.
Violates Government Code
Government Code 54956 states, “A special meeting may be called at any time by the presiding officer of the legislative body of a local agency, or by a majority of the members of the legislative body, by delivering written notice to each member of the legislative body and to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station requesting notice in writing and posting a notice on the local agency’s Internet Web site, if the local agency has one. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting as specified in the notice.”
According to documents obtained by LCCN, the agenda was sent out at 2:30 pm yesterday for today’s 1:00 pm meeting, violating 54956. In addition, LCCN is the adjudicated newspaper for the City of Commerce and did not receive the notice via email as required by 54956.
Email to Moreno at 2:30 pm referencing the special meeting.
Violates Central Basin Code
The calling of the special meeting also violates Central Basin’s Code under Article 3, section 3.3 Duties and Role of Board Officers.
“The President shall: (1) Preside over all meetings of the Board. (i) Have final approval on the contents of the agendas for all regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Board.”
Article 3 of CB’s Admin Code clearly states the president has final approval of all agendas, yet Ochoa, Moreno, Garza, and Camacho are ignoring the Code and holding the meeting.
Alter the Code to Fit the Crime
An item on the agenda is evidence that the four board members, along with attorney Victor Ponto, know the meeting is illegal; in a blatant attempt to justify their move, the item amends Article 3, section 3.3 Duties and Role of Board Officer.
Item 5B states “Consideration to amend Central Basin Water Water District Article 3 related to the approval on the contents of the agenda for all regular special and emergency emergency meetings of the board.”
Emails to Ms. Moreno and Ochoa went unreturned.
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