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Healthful Eating Tips for the Holidays to Strengthen Diabetes Management and Keep You Healthy in the New Year

By Brian and Cora Hews

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration and often, indulgent eating. For people managing diabetes, especially those worried about kidney health, this time of year can be tough.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Diabetes Statistics Report, among the U.S. population overall, an estimated 8.4 million people of all ages in 2021 – or 11.6% of the U.S. population – had diabetes.

“The holiday season brings unique challenges including changes in diet, routines and stress levels,” says Dr. Deepthi Karanam, a nephrologist and lifestyle medicine expert at Kaiser Permanente Southern California who practices in the Antelope Valley. “Calorie-dense foods become more common, and frequent indulgences can strain health.”

Hidden sodium in meals may lead to fluid retention, while added sugars can worsen diabetes. Disrupted routines and heightened stress can hinder effective diabetes management, potentially affecting kidney health.

To navigate this season, Dr. Karanam recommends practicing mindful indulgence, portion control, staying hydrated, remaining active and closely monitoring blood glucose levels.

Practical Strategies for Holiday Meals

Many holiday traditions revolve around food, making it challenging for those with diabetes to stay healthy. Karina Almanza, a Kaiser Permanente Southern California registered dietician, nutritionist and health educator who practices in Panorama City, suggests planning ahead by bringing a healthier dish to share and enjoy.

“Practice portion control, mindful eating, and make smart food and beverage choices, such as opting for water, sparkling water, or unsweetened drinks to balance indulgent meals,” she advises. Focusing on socializing and making memories rather than solely on food can also help.

“During the holidays, it is easy to have interruptions to routines and habits. We encourage everyone to make mindful food choices that balance foods that bring them joy and adding foods that align with their health and wellness goals,” Karina shares.

Maintaining Health Regimens Amidst Holiday Stress

Stress and changes in routine are common during the holidays, which can impact diabetes management. Dr. Karanam emphasizes the importance of careful planning and lifestyle adjustments to maintain stable blood sugar levels and support kidney health.

“Read nutrition labels to identify added sodium and sugars, prioritize balanced nutrition and limit indulgences,” she recommends. “Staying active by incorporating physical activity and involving family or friends can keep motivation high.”

Additionally, monitoring fluid intake to stay hydrated and ensuring adequate sleep are crucial. “Practice relaxation techniques to effectively manage stress and maintain overall well-being during the holidays,” Dr. Karanam advises.

By following these tips, individuals can enjoy the holiday season while maintaining their health. Remember, it’s all about balance and making mindful choices.

Kaiser Permanente offers free information regarding diabetes management.


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