Kaiser Permanente has the highest rated health plan in the state for overall quality and is also rated highest by members for care and service experience, according to health plan ratings for 2025 released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Covered California.
Kaiser Permanente Southern California combined with Kaiser Permanente Northern California earned 5 stars, the highest possible rating for Covered California’s “Overall Quality” rating. More than a dozen of the state’s largest health plans were analyzed.
Kaiser Permanente’s Covered California health plans were the only ones to receive a 5-star overall rating for overall quality in each of the last 6 years.
“We’re committed to providing our members with world-class health care services that are compassionate, affordable and meet our patients’ individual needs,” said Michelle Gaskill-Hames, president of Kaiser Permanente Southern California/Hawaii, Health Plan and Hospitals. “What this recognition tells us is that our staff’s dedication to our members’ health is making a difference in people’s lives, and for that we’re grateful.”
Dr. Ramin Davidoff, executive medical director for the Southern California and Hawaii Permanente Medical Groups, said this accolade reflects the organization’s physicians’ and care teams’ strong and unrelenting commitment to medical excellence and patient safety. “Our commitment to delivering safe, high-quality and compassionate care to our valued patients and members continues to be our top priority,” he noted.
Kaiser Permanente’s health plans in California received 5 stars for the following three sub-measures, according to Covered California:
Covered California is the state’s health insurance marketplace for the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
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