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Community Voices: The Tea Party Experi(ence)ment

By Mario Rivas For quite a while now it seems we’ve gotten hit with what I would phrase as the Tea Party experiment-experience.  You see, I’m a student of public…

Editorial: GOP Wanted a Government Shutdown All Along

Editorial: GOP Wanted a Government Shutdown All Along

    By Brian Hews When President Obama was elected in 2008, he came to Congress with a Democratically controlled Senate and House. In those two years he passed Wall…

Editorial: GOP Wanted a Government Shutdown

By Brian Hews When President Obama was elected in 2008, he came to Congress with a Democratically controlled Senate and House. In those two years he passed Wall Street reform,…

Community Voices: ‘We Still Have a Dream’ Rally, March Planned in LA on Saturday

Community Voices: ‘We Still Have a Dream’ Rally, March Planned in LA on Saturday

The We Still Have A Dream Coalition will hold a march and rally to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the march on Washington.  The event will be on Saturday, August…

Community Voices: Federal Judge ‘Trumping’ California Law of Declaring Homestead Exemption

In an effort to provide our readers with a platform to be heard in their own words, Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper has created “Community Voices!” for both our print and…

Community Voices: Author Roy Tate Takes a Deep Look Into Donor ‘Waiting Lists’

Community Voices: Author Roy Tate Takes a Deep Look Into Donor ‘Waiting Lists’

Hews Media Group-Community News would like to introduce Roy Tate to our readers who has an amazing look at the problems caused by “Wait Lists” for donor organs.  Thanks Roy!…

Community Voices: Injured LAUSD Teacher Lashes Out at ‘California Worker’s Comp Corruption’

Community Voices: Injured LAUSD Teacher Lashes Out at ‘California Worker’s Comp Corruption’

Note: Los Cerritos Community Newspaper allows for our readers to submit their own “investigative” articles.  This is from Rozy Press, a resident of Los Angeles.  The opinions are strictly those…

Image of Wendy Greuel Holding Semi-Automatic Weapon Hits Social Media Friday Afternoon

Image of Wendy Greuel Holding Semi-Automatic Weapon Hits Social Media Friday Afternoon

Updated: 4:37 p.m. By Brian Hews and Brian Hews A campaign flyer showing Los Angeles City Mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel holding a semi-automatic weapon has been obtained by Los Cerritos…

Cerritos Mayor Barrows, Council-persons Carol Chen and George Ray’s Double Standard on Frank Yokoyama

Cerritos Mayor Barrows, Council-persons Carol Chen and George Ray’s Double Standard on Frank Yokoyama

  Publisher’s Corner By Brian Hews When Mayor Barrows, Councilwoman Carol Chen and Councilman George Ray voted to remove Frank Yokoyama from his Planning Commissioner seat, all three cited Mr.…

Former Zev Yaroslavsky Chief of Staff Calls Out Los Angeles Times for Sub-Standard Coverage of Wendy Greuel

Letter to LA Times Editor Re: Emails Show Greuel Turned Controller’s Office Over to Political Operatives Dear LA Times Editor, Mr Maharaj: This comprehensive political story above I should have…

Lessons Learned from Sandy Hook and Columbine

Lessons Learned from Sandy Hook and Columbine

By Dr. Mary Sieu (Note:  The author of this article is Dr. Mary Sieu, Superintendent of Schools for the ABC Unified School District.  LCCN welcomes all points of view from…

COMMUNITY REACTS: LA County Lawyers Move to Take Estate they were Once Paid to Protect

Note: Los Cerritos Community Newspaper would like to encourage our readers to submit their own “investigative articles” that are factual based and backed up with proper documentation.  This is an…

Freedom of the Press, Unless You Don’t Like the Press

  Criticism of government finds sanctuary in several portions of the 1st Amendment. It is part of the right of free speech. It embraces freedom of the press. -Thomas Jefferson.…

Editorial-Cerritos Mayoral Transition-Felons and Hacks Welcome, Along With Political Amnesia

By Brian Hews The more things change the more they remain the same. The circus rolled into Cerritos City Hall on Wednesday night. Yep. You can’t make this stuff up.…

Editorial: Time For Mayor Cheri Kelley To Be Defeated In Norwalk

Editorial: Time For Mayor Cheri Kelley To Be Defeated In Norwalk

    On Tuesday, voters in Norwalk will be asked to reelect current Mayor Cheri Kelley to another four year term. Los Cerritos Community Newspaper would like to urge our…

Editorial: Cerritos Needs Trusted Leadership

Editorial: Cerritos Needs Trusted Leadership

  EDITORIAL If you have read our coverage in the past, we have reported time and time again how Cerritos Council-members have used their trusted position as an “elected representative…

Opinion: LCCN Criticized for Investigative Reporting

Go away Community News. That’s the way certain factions in Cerritos are operating these days. They don’t like LCCN’s investigative articles and want to put the paper out of business…

Endorsement: Elect Frank Aurelio Yokoyama for Cerritos City Council

Endorsement: Elect Frank Aurelio Yokoyama for Cerritos City Council

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper is urging the election of Frank Aurelio Yokoyama to the Cerritos City Council on Tuesday, March 5. Yokoyama will bring a new sea change at Cerritos…

Endorsement: Elect George Ray for Cerritos City Council

Endorsement: Elect George Ray for Cerritos City Council

  Los Cerritos Community Newspaper endorses longtime community leader and business owner George Ray in the March 5th Cerritos City Council election. George Ray will bring intelligence and a sharp…

Waiting for Change at the ABCUSD

Waiting for Change at the ABCUSD

  I was delighted to review your (Cerritos Councilman Mark Pulido) comments and those of Councilman Mike Gomez on the subject of changing ABCUSD elections from At Large to District…