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Newly Remodeled Walmart Supercenter Provides Grants to South Gate Organizations; Celebrates Grand Re-opening

Newly Remodeled Walmart Supercenter Provides Grants to South Gate  Organizations; Celebrates Grand Re-opening

South Gate, Calif. (May 13, 2022) – The South Gate community came together this morning to celebrate the grand re-opening of the Walmart Supercenter located at 4651 Firestone Blvd. To…

MAINSTREAM NEWS? Core Inflation Rate Drops Three Tenths of One Percent

MAINSTREAM NEWS? Core Inflation Rate Drops Three Tenths of One Percent

Where is the mainstream media? All you hear about is inflation, inflation, inflation. They failed to mention that the core rate, which takes out the volatile food and gas prices,…

FDA: There is Plenty of Infant Formula Other Than Similac

FDA:  There is Plenty of Infant Formula Other Than Similac

  May 11, 2022~Amid nationwide reports of infant formula shortages, FDA says sales are up and it is working to make sure appropriate formulas are available to the public. An…

Gun Buyback Takes 365 Guns Off Streets

Gun Buyback Takes 365 Guns Off Streets

SUPERVISOR HAHN at the gun buyback program behind the guns that were turned in for gift cards. The guns collected ranged from hand guns and pistols to semi-automatic and automatic…

Central Basin Director Leticia Vasquez-Wilson Defames General Manager and Agency’s Staff

Central Basin Director Leticia Vasquez-Wilson Defames General Manager and Agency’s Staff

  Central Basin Water District Director Leticia Vasquez.   May 9, 2022 By Brian Hews – [email protected] Central Basin Director Leticia Vasquez-Wilson (VW) will not give up trying to discredit…

Investigate: Gas Prices RISE 5.3 cents per Gallon

Investigate: Gas Prices RISE 5.3 cents per Gallon

(May 9, 2022) – Even with the US Gov’t pushing out a million barrels per day, oil companies are still making billions. The average gasoline prices in Los Angeles rose…

CDC seeks help from health officials in hepatitis investigation

CDC seeks help from health officials in hepatitis investigation

May 7, 2022 The CDC and other public health agencies are investigating a cluster of hepatitis illnesses among children in 25 states. The outbreak is thought to be part of…

¿Apto para el puesto? Candidato de Commerce, Leonard Mendoza, Imprime materiales con el dia de elección incorrecto

¿Apto para el puesto? Candidato de Commerce, Leonard Mendoza, Imprime materiales con el dia de elección  incorrecto

Infórme del Personal 6 de Mayo, 2022- En un reporte, la semana pasada, Hews Media Group- Noticias de la Comunidad, informa que Leonard Mendoza amenazó, por medio de varios emails,…

COVID Cases and Outbreaks Increasing at K-12 Schools

COVID Cases and Outbreaks Increasing at K-12 Schools

May 4, 2022~The number of cases among students and staff more than quadrupled between March 27 and April 24, likely reflecting the elimination of the indoor masking requirement in mid-March,…

Man Stabbed in Shower of La Mirada’s Crunch Fitness

  May 4, 2022, 7:46 pm LA MIRADA, Calif. (KABC) — A man was stabbed in the back at a gym in La Mirada Wednesday afternoon, according to authorities. The…

Artesia’s Spring Beautification Awards Deadline Approaching

May 3, 2022~The City of Artesia is pleased to announce nominations are still being accepted for the Spring Beautification Awards.  The Beautification and Maintenance Commission, who promotes the City’s efforts…

Going Strong: Long Beach Lawn Bowling Club Open House May 7

Going Strong:  Long Beach Lawn Bowling Club  Open House May 7

Pictured (left to right) are Long Beach Lawn Bowling Club members Dwight Parker, Patti Balsillie, Peg Anderson, and Jake Jeffery. The club and sport are known for fellowship, comradery, and…

Latino Comic Expo Seeks to Reach Underserved Youth Through Art and Literature

Latino Comic Expo Seeks to Reach Underserved Youth Through Art and Literature

The big “10 years -10Anos” poster is done by L.A. artist, Rhode Montijo, published author of “Cloud Boy.” His work, the “Halloween Kid” is on display at this year’s Latino Comic Expo at the…

Commerce Council Candidate Threatens HMG-CN Publisher After Report Outlining Donations

Commerce Council Candidate Threatens HMG-CN Publisher After Report Outlining Donations

Leonard Mendoza also sent out fraudulent mailers calling himself Mayor when he was removed two weeks ago. Staff Report April 29, 2022~Last week, HMG-CN exposed thousands in dark money attempting…


Reporte del personal La semana pasada, el periodico HMG-CN expuso que miles en fondos de procedencia dudosa que intentaban influir en la re-eleccion por el Concejo Municipal de Commerce.  …

Cerritos Home Reaches Milestone, Now at 100 Percent Renewable Energy 

Cerritos Home Reaches Milestone, Now at 100 Percent Renewable Energy 

By Laurie Hanson April 27, 2022~ change advocates Norma and Alan Williamson celebrate their Cerritos home reaching 100 percent renewable energy, just in time for Earth Day on April 22. …

Bicycle Hotel & Casino in Bell Gardens Sells for $102 Million in Nation’s Largest County

Bicycle Hotel & Casino in Bell Gardens Sells for $102 Million in Nation’s Largest County

April 27, 2022~An owner of gambling facilities across California has anted up to buy a Los Angeles County hotel and card room, one of the nation’s biggest facilities of its…

FROM THE LAC ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: ADUs Gaining  Regional Attention

FROM THE LAC ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: ADUs Gaining  Regional Attention

GRANNY FLAT: Legislation was approved and signed into law last year that paved the way for ADUs. The Act facilitates the process for homeowners to build a duplex or split…

LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn to Hold Veterans Resource Fair

LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn to Hold Veterans Resource Fair

April 22, 2022South Whittier, CA — This Monday, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn will be holding a Veterans Resource Fair offering everything from employment and housing services to physical…

Does Cerritos Councilman Naresh Solanki Live in the City?

Does Cerritos Councilman Naresh Solanki Live in the City?

SOLANKI OWNS A MANSION: The S. Owens mansion located in Anaheim, which title records show is owned by Cerritos Councilman Naresh Solanki. The 7,000 s.f. home is valued at over…