
WATCH: Mayor pro tem Barrows comments contradict his own sheriff’s report statement

See the video here of Mayor pro tem Barrows contradicting his statements in his police report.

By Brian Hews


In Council comments at the end of the June 11, 2012 Cerritos City Council meeting, Mayor pro tem Bruce Barrows contradicted his own statements to the sheriffs  the night he was involved in an alleged assault during a June 4 incident between himself and Cerritos resident Jay Gray.



In Barrows’ comments at the June 11, 2012 meeting the embattled Barrows said “Gray made some extremely offensive comments about my wife and that is when I called him a**hole.”

According to the police report, obtained and published by Los Cerritos Community Newspaper on Friday, Barrows said that during an argument with Gray outside Chambers, he got angry and called Gray an a**hole.

Barrows stated after he called Gray an a**hole,  Gray responded by saying “your may think I am a**hole, but your wife thinks I am fine”, thus contradicting his own statements to the Sheriff.

Barrows went on to say in his council comments,  “That was the extent of language used, beyond that I walked out the door comments were made about my wife I stepped back and for that I do apologize for bringing the city into this but there was never the things that were mentioned in the paper (LCCN) happened.”

In the police report, Barrows said  “the comments about his wife made him so angry that he lost control. (Barrows) then walked toward Gray and pushed him on the shoulder with his hand, (Barrows) realized he should control himself and walked away from Gray. Barrows again failed to mention in his Council comments that he did assault Gray when it was clear in his statement to the sheriff that he did assault Gray.

LCCN attempted to contact Barrows for comment but he did not respond.


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