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Compton Resident Urges DA to Investigate Ties Between Councilman Galvin and Angel Gonzalez

By Brian Hews and Brian Hews

Newly elected Compton City Councilman Isaac Galvan has been on the job for a little more than a month, but he is now on the receiving end of a public complaint filed this week by a local community leader with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Public Integrity Office.

Galvan, 26, was elected to the Compton city council to represent District 2 in balloting that took place in June.

Demirea Perry, a longtime resident of Compton, and a former Field Deputy to Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks, is asking District Attorney Jackie Lacey to investigate Galvan’s ties with Angel Gonzalez, who was hired as the councilman’s assistant at more than $47,000 per year.

In 2002, Angel Gonzalez was convicted of a felony charge, reduced to a misdemeanor, for sending out attack mailers with fake documents. He was also convicted on two misdemeanor counts of sending out misleading campaign fliers.

Gonzalez also worked with convicted felon Rick Mayer coordinating current embattled Central Basin Municipal Water District President James Roybal and Director Leticia Vasquez’ campaigns. At the time of their election, the two owed Gonzalez and Mayer over $45,000 and sources told HMG-CN that Mayer was expecting contracts from CBMWD for helping in the elections.

Gonzalez is the owner of Pyramid Printers, a company that specializes in hard hitting political attack pieces and who has a long list of clients throughout Southeast Los Angeles County. Councilman Galvan is an employee of Pyramid and Gonzalez.

Many consider the two to be close personal allies.

On Tuesday, Hews Media Group – Community News was given a copy of the complaint by Perry that is dated July 28, 2013.

In his complaint, Perry said that Galvan and Gonzalez “continue to use blackmail tactics on political candidates, and elected officials if they don’t use their services for political campaigns.”

Galvin was the focal point of an article in theLos Angeles Times and the relationship between him and Gonzalez.

Perry said that “the conflict of interest appears when (Galvan and Gonzalez) use city money, time, office, and computers, to work on their candidates campaign material” from city hall.

“It’s interesting that Mr. Galvin employed his boss, and in return Mr. Gonzalez kept his boss Mr. Galvin on payroll. I never imaged that an elected representative could employee a person that he works for and as a favor hire them as their staff person,” Perry contents.

In the letter to Lacey, Perry said that “Mr. Galvin has recently threatened to blackmail a few political figures, making up outrageous rumors, and using his employer/liaison to use campaign mailer to discredit candidates.”

“Pyramid Press has a history of fraud, corruption, and carrying out violent acts against elected officials,” Perry said.

Perry goes on to claim that Galvin and Ricardo “Rick” Mayer, a well-known political figure in SE Los Angeles County politics who is a former convicted felon, “use fear tactics, (and) they are falsifying addresses, and running for seats (Isaac Galvin), and nevertheless these acts need to stop, and need to be thoroughly investigated.”

Perry also stated in his complaint that “Galvin has been hostile towards colleagues, and other African American elected leaders. This combative behavior and unethical morals will detour the City (of Compton) from moving forward in a positive image.”

See Galvin Complaint click here

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  • Harvey Levin says:

    I could care less about Compton but I am interested in the link between corrupt political hacks like Angel Gonzalez and Ricardo “Rick” Mayer and candidates that are bought and sold, like James Roybal and Leticia Vasquez. Authorities must be getting close to seeing the connections between these nobody, broke ass candidates who come with FOR SALE signs across their chests and their pants puilled down around their ankles.

    In the case of Compton, Gonzalez did get his pay day (and the opportunity to work over vendors and squeeze $$ from those who do business with the city), while Mayer once again got the shaft like he did at Central Basin based on the reporting of the Los Cerritos Community News.

    But don’t cry for Mayer, I hear Lit’ Al Robles at the Water Replensihment District took “good care” of tricky Rick. Take a look Ms. Lacey.

    • Virginia Johnson says:

      Thank you Harvey Levin. I too am anxious for the FEDS to start digging into Li’l Albert Robles of Carson and on WRD. He has a shady past and I’m sure his present dealings are just as ugly. He also needs to be exposed along with the rest of the Cronies. Watch out though, they can be VERY dangerous and vindictive, but it sounds like you already know this.

  • Wayne Carter Sr. says:

    Does this make sense to you? Isaac Galvan works for Angel Gonzalez. Galvan in turn hires Gonzalez to work for him at the city. Galvan reports to Gonzalez’ print shop druing the day for earn a living. Gonzalez reports to the city during the day (to earn a living?) . Galvan and Gonzalez work on opposite schedules where one is at city hall during the day (Gonzalez) while the other is at the print shop during the day producing nasty political hit pieces (Galvan). Just the way the voters of Compton wanted it I suppose?

    Wouldn’t there seem to be a conflict of interest here for Galvan to hire the guy who he earnes his living working for himself? Talk about quid pro quo! Would LCCN be interested into looking into this possibility and possibly notifying the District Attorney or State Attorney?

  • Lee Irvin says:

    Good to see sleazy politics is alive and well in Compton. I see we got a little Omar Bradley in office again. We all saw how that turned out. I hope the Feds bring in the Big Broom and clean house. A month in office and little Homeboy already has a God complex and strong arming people. All I know is the strongest arm is the world is the Feds. And once the Feds get a line on you your done. Resign now and go scurrying back into the Rat hole you climbed out of, otherwise you might end up in the hole in San Quentin. Good Luck Compton.

  • Smitty says:

    Within 5 years there won’t be 1 black politician in LA County, they will all be replaced by Latinos, this is what happens when you ignore invasion (YOU GET REPLACED).

  • Mike Tyson says:

    We are so pleased that LCCN is helping to expose more of the corruption that seems to follow Rick Mayer and his partner in crime Angel Gonzalez. Of course we are all aware of the connection between Compton and Central Basin thanks to the election of James Roybal and Leticia Vasquez. Isn’t it sad that Central is now mentioned in the same breath as Compton. Thank you “President” Roybal and “Director” Vasquez for taking us right down the gutter that now flows to Compton.

  • Abelino Barrios says:

    Hey Randy, you need to look into Felipe Aguirre, Tom Martin, and Ricardo Villarreal in the City of Maywood. They hired Pyramid printing to do work for them during their last campaign. They sent out slanderous hit pieces on then Councilman Ed Varela, making it seem like they had stories from legitimate news papers when in fact the news papers they use aren’t real. Is Angel Gonzales the person behind the recall in Maywood?? HMMMMM….You might want to look into it…

  • Virginia Johnson says:

    Isn’t there anything we can do about Angel Gonzalez @ Pyramid Press and all the other Publication “names” he likes to call his one Company; regarding his Illegal Immigrant Status?
    He was in the Hallway with Big Albert during Court in 2007 Approximately (I went to many about Big Al and Friends, but have the date if needed) and I heard Angel Gonzalez ask his Lawyer if his Illegal Status was an issue. His Atty. Assured him that would never come up in Court.

    Fair Political Practices has always been good for South Gate, I hope they will continue with their Good Reputation just like HEWS NEWS. Virginia