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Volleyball Coach Jonathan Adam Roldan Arrested On Charges of Having Sex with Minor

 Booking photo of Coach Jonathan Adam Roldan, 23 of Esteban Torres High School in East Los Angeles.

Booking photo of Coach Jonathan Adam Roldan, 23 of Esteban Torres High School in East Los Angeles.

By Brian Hews

Jonathan Adam Roldan, a 23 year old volleyball coach from Esteban Torres High School in East Los Angeles has been arrested and charged with having unlawful sex with a minor 15-year old girl, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department confirmed on Monday.

Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper has been told that on Friday, December 13, at approximately 7:00 PM, detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Special Victims Bureau arrested Roldan at his residence in East Los Angeles.

Roldan is accused of having sexual intercourse with a 15-year old female student from the school. The name of the victim has not and will not be released to the public due to the fact that she is a minor.

In a statement to members of the media, LASD officials are stating that during their investigation, sheriff’s detectives were able to identify a second 15-year old female student victim who was “inappropriately touched” by Roldan.

“The first victim reported what had happened to school officials on Friday, who in turn reported the incident to deputies from the East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station of the LASD. Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau detectives then began their investigation,” a statement from the Sheriff’s department read.

Roldan is being held in lieu of $1,000,000.00 bail and is scheduled to appear in the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, Division 30, on Tuesday for arraignment.

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  • Jesus Loera says:

    I’m sure if they did have sex with him it was voluntarily. High school girls these days are slutty and do whatever to get attention and feel loved.bdid your parents not give you enough attention..

  • mike says:

    This pig. He should be lynched .